Daytime TV? No thanks, I’d rather not….

RuPaul plus a Dairy Cow plus Chewbacca equals daytime TV talk diva
Wendy Williams.

I am like most of you. I too hate daytime TV. I really loathe it.

At every turn there are countless examples of mediocrity. Peoples Court. The View. Regis and Kelly. Those insipid cooking shows. Tacky recycled game shows such as The Price is Right or Let’s Make a Deal which refuse to die a dignified death. Names like Springer, Oprah, Dr Phil, Maury,Rachel Ray, Ellen all inspire nausea and a bit of heartfelt contempt. Especially when their estrogen-laced audiences give a supporting, girly “woooooooooo” to cheer the fact that everyone in the studio audience just got a signed copy of the guests latest book or some designer curtain rods or some goddamn complimentary tickets to the latest crap Disney animated feature. (at least Oprah gives out cars,…I would ‘woooo’ for a car)

And now we can add a new shit-squirrel to the shit-tree: The Wendy Williams Show.

Any of you who are unlucky enough to sit through the 30 minute train wreck she has the balls to call entertainment must initially be asking ” How did this loud-mouthed Tranny get a show?” or “What John Waters film did SHE star in again?”

Upon further examination you find out she’s actually doesn’t have balls, apparently she’s got ovaries. And tits. Miss Thing doesn’t miss an opportunity to wear an outfit, sweater or undersized top that painfully accents that fact at every turn.

If Seinfeld was a ’90s show about nothing, this is its puerile gossipy progeny. This truly is a show about NOTHING. This isn’t even Shirley Q Liquor without the humor, honey. This loud, pushy, incoherent, egoistic wanna be Yiddisher/ advice giving Mamala of a woMAN doesn’t even deserve to come in as a runner up at drag over at Bob and Barbara’s on Thursday Nights.

How she actually got on TV is one of the indicators as to how bad the medium has become. Her presence on the air makes my point completely. Daytime TV? No thanks, I’d rather not

OK, I’m done ranting. If you want to feel the hate click on the link to hear this CACKLING FUCKING HEN in action or just tune in the next time you’re unlucky enough to be home in the daytime alone with a TV.

N.B. – There’s a BIG Woooooooo at roughly 3:57 of the clip. Are we excited about that? Wooooooooo!

Be sure to tell your Momma I said “How you durrin’?”