Well, here we go folks. The ignorant powers that be, think the Landover Maryland Redskins need yet ANOTHER FOOTBALL STADIUM. That’s right. Now MD, VA, and DC are all fighting to get this stadium put in their region….
Read the ignorance
Here’s some more ignorance

This whole idea is so stupid it makes my head explode. Is this the freakin twilight zone?
I could not take it. I left a comment:
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME?! REALLY?! This area and the NFL (the rape artistes of ignorant fans) need another stadium?? OF ALL THE THINGS THIS AREA NEEDS… we’re going to have ANOTHER STADIUM? This just reinforces the fact that this is the STUPIDEST area in which I have ever lived.
The traffic is so bad here, the taxes are too high, the team sucks (and yes, poorly named, just admit it already), the metro is crumbling and poorly managed, AND WE NEED ANOTHER FOOTBALL STADIUM? Are you people high or is there some secret Kool-Aid you are all drinking that makes this seem charming or even acceptable? (Head in hands). This is truly the absolute STUPIDEST thing I’ve ever heard of for the DC metro region.
Watch. Knowing how ignorant the priorities and planning seem to be here in the DMV, they will put this atrocity (whatever it looks like, another football stadium is an ugly idea) in an area that cant support the traffic and there will be no reasonable public transit near it. And what do we do with fedex field and RFK? How many more useless stadiums need to dot the already messed up landscape of nightmarish sprawl around here?
Folks, this whole idea of ANOTHER football stadium in this area PROVES that this is the dumbest place in the freaking developed world. What next? A public shooting range on the national mall?!? Ahh the DMV… land of entitled and rewarded INCOMPETENCE AND IGNORANCE!!!!
Just look how stupid this thing is. It looks like a stupid noodle bowl. And yes folks, that IS A MOAT around the thing. Can you imagine how that stagnant water would look and smell?

And even worse, look how delusional this architect views the weather in DC for football. Imagine laying on a fake “moat beach” while a tsunami comes in. Imagine all the drunk football fans rappelling down the side of the stadium during football games, while drunk fans in roller blades wearing booty shorts and tank tops skate around the stadium in December! All they need now are aqua-unicorns dancing in the moat. Was this done by a 5 year old with photo shop? Clearly SOMEBODY is high on SOMETHING!!!

They should show the above ground metro rail behind it (like down at RFK stadium) whizzing by in flames with people screaming out the windows in agony! That would be more appropriate! Too late, I did it myself! HA!

My GOD this town is a freaking joke! I can’t believe these images were seriously posted to the Washington Post and CBS. It’s like an alternate reality of stupidity!