SPAM ON THE ROAD: Same old, Same old and the End Looms.

Spam Poster

Hello my friends,

Well hasn’t it been an interesting few weeks?
My boyfriend and two friends get jumped by a biggoty fag allowed to stay in a bar.
My Mom almost dies from a bleeding ulcer and has to give up booze and cigs for the rest of her life. And, I’m on the road wondering where the fuck I am.

I’ve got nothing. nothing interesting. you’ve heard the cool shit. New Orleans, Canada, you’ve heard it. The rest is middle of Fuck nowhere USA. It’s all the same, and I guess thats sort of comforting and sad all at the same time.

But. My mom is on the Mend. And, so is Chad, Jeff and Sammy. Summer is coming and I get to go to Rehomo and Philly for 5 whole Days. Then, after that, 3 weeks till I’m off this crazy Spam ride for good. I really can’t wait. I have to live more of my life! I love having a job but being an actor means that I HAVE to change jobs every 6,8, or 12 months. Some people might say, that’s crazy, that’s no way to live. But me…. I love it. Having no idea where I’m gonna be working in a year is hella stressful but…fun never the less.

I’m rambling…

It’s over soon. That’s the point. And I hate bigoted fags in bars.

Memphis was gorgeous even flooded. And I can’t wait for Atlanta and Dallas.
Playing the Fox in Atlanta has been one of my dreams since I was a kid.

Let’s get happy this summer people.
