To reflect the current social zeitgeist, Starbucks has reworked its logo. I like it,….
Monthly Archives: April 2011
Baltimore Royalty
All this royal wedding bullshit today just reminds me of Baltimore Royalty…
Dream Job?!? In VOORHEES?! ARE YOU MAD?!
Iran launches SLITBOOK
Technology News: In a move designed to increase both personal freedom and levels of surveillance, the Iranian government has launched a new social networking website for its burka-wearing citizens: Slitbook.
With tensions erupting across the Middle East, Slitbook has been seen as a conciliatory move from a government notorious for its oppressive regime and appalling treatment of women.
The website, developed in conjunction with Facebook entrepreneur and privacy specialist Mark Zuckerburg, allows women, who often have no idea what their Slitbook friends actually look like, to stay in touch with each other while male family members are watching.
“It’s great” explains Rana Al Khatib as she logs on. “Previously my social life was limited to my pet cockroach and being beaten by my brothers. Now I can be virtually oppressed by virtually anyone!”
Slitbook has already been banned in France, where posting a picture of yourself in a burka on Facebook is illegal. Pictures of women in burkas found on French-hosted websites are being removed by the government and replaced by pictures of Carla Bruni with her top off.
Despite such adverse reactions in the West, Slitbook is enjoying massive success not only in Iran but across the region. However, it remains to be seen whether the Iranian government’s much-vaunted microblogging site Slitter will take off in quite the same way.
A good idea but not thought out….
OK.. This is Strange..
Park a Ferris Wheel in center city Philadelphia on Broad street? What? This has awakened my curiosity.
I’m thinking a ferris wheel here, would provide a lovely view of the interior of someone’s bedroom through a tall building’s window. Not much panorama sandwiched between buildings on Broad street.
Somehow, I dont think it will look anything like this picture…
Even Stupid People Who Can’t Spell Know This Man is a Homo
O summer air so thick and juicy
rattling around my lungs like some kind of wet bat,
My heart sings with every moist breath.
I wuv you Florida.
An Ode by Will Harrell
I’m in Sarasota in a motel.
Roaches, No shower and a kick ass pool area.
Bar connected to the hotel. Bartender is Dave. Everyone seems happy.
Tan coming in.
Why America Sucks # 1,348,972,587,298,379
McDonald’s. Fast food. Fast Jobs. 50,000 served in one day.
Low wage dead end jobs, serving up low cost death causing food. An American win win.
“You Are The Wind Comin From My Hole”
A solar wind stream from a Coronal Hole on the I-Sun is set to hit Earth on April 20th.
Its a good reminder to back up your files, else feel the wrath of the deadly sun fart. Here is a cool site to watch from NASA with movies of the I-Sun in action while you are waiting for those files to download, transfer, burn, etc.