Happy Birthday Internet!

On April 7, 1969, RFC 1 was distributed on the spankin’-new ARPANET by Steve Crocker of UCLA. Today, the RFC is the official publication channel for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and the global community of computer researchers. ARPANET would later be incorporated with other networks to give life to our modern Internet. The Internet has provided us with information and entertainment beyond the imagination of ARPANET’s creators. Without it, we’d have no Wikipedia to deliberately falsify, no YouTube stars like Trolololo Guy, and (worst of all, of course) no ctrlZ blog to bitch and moan. Thanks to the internet, I never have to leave my house. Ever. Fast and easy communication with friends and family! I no longer have to remember anything, Google is kind enough to remember everything for me. Most importantly, if it wasn’t for the Internet, I’d have to pay for porn.

Happy Birthday my good friend Internet