Daytime TV? No thanks, I’d rather not….

RuPaul plus a Dairy Cow plus Chewbacca equals daytime TV talk diva
Wendy Williams.

I am like most of you. I too hate daytime TV. I really loathe it.

At every turn there are countless examples of mediocrity. Peoples Court. The View. Regis and Kelly. Those insipid cooking shows. Tacky recycled game shows such as The Price is Right or Let’s Make a Deal which refuse to die a dignified death. Names like Springer, Oprah, Dr Phil, Maury,Rachel Ray, Ellen all inspire nausea and a bit of heartfelt contempt. Especially when their estrogen-laced audiences give a supporting, girly “woooooooooo” to cheer the fact that everyone in the studio audience just got a signed copy of the guests latest book or some designer curtain rods or some goddamn complimentary tickets to the latest crap Disney animated feature. (at least Oprah gives out cars,…I would ‘woooo’ for a car)

And now we can add a new shit-squirrel to the shit-tree: The Wendy Williams Show.

Any of you who are unlucky enough to sit through the 30 minute train wreck she has the balls to call entertainment must initially be asking ” How did this loud-mouthed Tranny get a show?” or “What John Waters film did SHE star in again?”

Upon further examination you find out she’s actually doesn’t have balls, apparently she’s got ovaries. And tits. Miss Thing doesn’t miss an opportunity to wear an outfit, sweater or undersized top that painfully accents that fact at every turn.

If Seinfeld was a ’90s show about nothing, this is its puerile gossipy progeny. This truly is a show about NOTHING. This isn’t even Shirley Q Liquor without the humor, honey. This loud, pushy, incoherent, egoistic wanna be Yiddisher/ advice giving Mamala of a woMAN doesn’t even deserve to come in as a runner up at drag over at Bob and Barbara’s on Thursday Nights.

How she actually got on TV is one of the indicators as to how bad the medium has become. Her presence on the air makes my point completely. Daytime TV? No thanks, I’d rather not

OK, I’m done ranting. If you want to feel the hate click on the link to hear this CACKLING FUCKING HEN in action or just tune in the next time you’re unlucky enough to be home in the daytime alone with a TV.

N.B. – There’s a BIG Woooooooo at roughly 3:57 of the clip. Are we excited about that? Wooooooooo!

Be sure to tell your Momma I said “How you durrin’?”

4 thoughts on “Daytime TV? No thanks, I’d rather not….”

  1. “Ooooh she wantsta be yorwa inforwamit about dat stuff..”

    She couldn’t inform a turnip.

    Question I have is: Who is this thing? Is it a man? It looks like a man in a skirt.

    Second of all, I like the tight pants on Chris brown.

    Third of all, yes… this thing sucks. But it’s nothing compared to the general brain deadedness of Regis and Kelly. I think the only reason people watch THAT show is for the lucky chance we could have if Regis would just finally drop dead on the show OR kick Kelly in the cunt. I’d become a lifetime fan if ANY of that would happen.

    I saw Donnie and Marie on Regis & Kelly when I was sitting in the health clinic waiting on results from a stool sample. That’s the only time I watch daytime TV – when I’m waiting on a stool sample result. Donnie & Marie both had so much plastic surgery going on and looked so uncomfortable and reluctant with their forced smiles, it was painful to watch. It’s like they both have gigs in some alley in Las Vegas by a dumpster, and they were desperately trying to get people to give a shit. It looked like their forced smiles were going to make their respective faces explode.

    I’ve also noticed “Reeg” and Kelly always spin some stupid big wheel with lots of housewife screaming and hoopla. Then it seems nobody wins anything and nothing happens.

    I think talk shows like these generally are for the brain deads that get sucked up by tornado’s in the middle of country.

    PS for real fun listen to the Mike O’meara show covering the end of that fat cow Oprah’s show. Mike said, “it’s like these celebrities are eulogizing her, and SHE AINT EVEN DEAD YET! She’s just drowning in ‘Lake Me’ sitting there with Tom Cruise shouting, ‘I got the powaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!’.” People are praising her, and all she is doing is changing her business model to a failed and failing TV network she had to vainly brand with her own stupid moniker. She’s rolling in the cash like a moist bovine, and all of poor/foreclosed/starving/out-of work/under educated/no health insuranced America is applauding her. Really disgusting. Really MEGA Stupid. More money than sense. America is finished!!!!

  2. Regis will be retiring soon so that means Kathie Lee, um er,…I mean Kelly will be trading “Nerf Barbs” with some other (geriatric) DICKHEAD. Tony Randall is dead but considering how bad the show is they’re still considering him for the job.

    I’ve never liked Oprah. Never cared a lick about her. She can Vaseline her fucking blow hole for the rest of her days for all I care. The thing is there has to be a replacement.
    Mindless legions of zombie women need to follow someone and now the race is on to find the ‘next’ Oprah. My money is on ELLEN, or as Howard Stern likes to call her : “Vagine-feld”.

    And by the way America is not the only country that was done in by its media. We’re are running a close second to Nazi Germany and the bangin’ Propaganda machine of Dr Josef Goebbels.

    It’s all the same thing. The same principle. “Feed them enough crap and they’ll eventually develop a taste for it”

  3. …and as far as Donnie and Marie goes: Are they still around?

    I thought Donnie retired from show business years ago and was working the Mormon porn scene as a ‘power bottom’ in some of the raunchier Salt Lake City boy clubs?

    Maybe I’m thinking of Marie? I dunno,…

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