7 thoughts on “God is my co-pilot”

  1. Iwould have to choke down the uncontrollable urge to rear-end this muppet and then pull ’em outta their van and punch their friggin’ ticket.

  2. The Delusion Cruiser.

    Love the comments about genital warts. This asshole loves the Lord, yet he prob smokes meth and gets blow jobs from male tricks in the back seat of that car…

    Or…a poster child for when abortion goes wrong.

  3. @ Chad – Oh I can drive and all. Nice and legal. They just havent invented a Toyota with a reliable mount for an AK-47

    @msneebo – People that feel the need to share with the world their entire social, political, religious and sexual “curriculum vitae”, personal ideology or whatever on the back of a 1997 Mercury Minivan in downtown traffic are annoying and need to be punched in the throat.

    I don’t care who you’re voting for or who your favorite team is. Not one fuck I give whether you like NASCAR or if your progeny is an honor student at ‘Snodgrass Prep’. Fuck you. I’m going to the store. I don’t need to know if you are for or against abortion or Equal Rights or if you follow the Grateful Dead.

    I don’t fucking care if you ‘heart’ your Bichon Frise or you personally think ‘Virginia is for Lovers’ ( I’ve been to Virginia, it’s Hillbillies, Christians, drunken sailors and mouth-breathing assholes who drive minivans loaded with banal, insipid bumper stickers).

    I damn sure, rootin’-tootin’, sure as shit don’t care if you have a ‘Baby on Board’! When I drive, I AIM for those cars. Because some asshole cant control their reproductive urges I gotta sit in traffic and suffer thru their parental skittishness and needless admonitions at a goddamn redlight?! Let the blood flow…

    And the worst infraction of civility and good manners of all is mistakenly thinking I give a tenth of an ounce of a fuck as to what imaginary thing in the sky you pray to at that damn red light. Stick your fish, your cross and the flying spaghetti monster in your COOL-O

    There are too many Christians and not enough lions….

  4. Well, to be devil’s advocate here, ummm…

    First of all isn’t a post like that one with all the fuckity fuck language about as bad? Especially posting on places like here and face book? It’s a public forum just like the back of that mini van and nobody’s punching you or me in the throat.

    I think yer gettin a little worked up here to no end. If someone wants to coat the back of their car with their opinion, or someone wants to smear their facebook page or a blog with their nonsense and rantings, SHOULDN’T THEY BE ALLOWED TO?

    And (god forbid) I quote howard stern when i say, “if you dont like it, change the channel”. In this context, “if you dont like it, dont read it. Be the better man and dont allow it to raise your stress level to ‘fuckity fuck’ levels.”

    You see, when it gets to you like this…. THEY WIN.

    Best to just have a Karl Pilkington attitude about it. “I don’t care! Get it sorted!”

  5. I want people to voice their opinions, especially ones like Mr. Minivan for Jesus because it makes me feel better about myself, my beliefs, etc. just as my views validate theirs. I don’t have to say anything and I still come off more intelligent and based in reality then that asshole.

    Like it or not, its a free country and I want to keep it that way. (However, my bumper isn’t free… I do not believe in advertising anything on my personal vehicle unless I am getting paid for it. I’m a secular whore like that. Maybe that’s the bumper sticker I’ve been searching for…)

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