SPAM ON THE ROAD: New England and Bronchitis

Spam Poster

The Nat. tour of Spam has been jumping all over Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine this past week. We’ve been playing in small venues which has caused us to cut most of our set and drops and lights. So, we’ve been doing Spam-lite, now with fewer calories.

All that I can handle. I even like the challenge of spacing changes and re blocking for a difficult venue. What I can’t take is getting hurt and sick.

About a week ago, Chad came to visit me in Bethlehem, PA. We had a great ( if short) time together. But, that morning I woke up with a pain in my upper back, shoulder, and arm. Over the next few days the pain increased until I was unable to sleep at night. On top of that, I started to get sick. I went to a Nurse Practitioner in N.H. and she told me I had Bronchitis . Great. So the past few days have been peachy keen. But, She gave me a Zpac which brought my energy back immediately and I started using Ice on my back and arm instead of heat ( which only made the pain worse ) and that is slowly getting better. As I start to recover, the rest of the cast starts to cough, and sniff. Great.

I love what I do and this tour is gonna be great, I know. But right now all I want is Chad, Glaydburger, and the apartment in philly.

The rain continues everywhere.

Soon to bring you a more cheerful post,


Phillies Blunt Shoes!

For all you blunt fans AND all you Phillies fans!   While I was searching for Phillies logos to make my previous posting I stumbled over these shoes!

Totally cool!  I’d love a pair!

Phllies Blunt Shoes
I need a pair of these IMMEDIATELY!

More pics at the link below!  Only thing I hate is the way people commented in the article.  “Deez shoes”  “Phresh”  “Must cop a pair”.  I’m sorry but I’m not an urban moron who thinks it is stylish to butcher the English language.  Nonetheless, they’re cool shoes, “even if ya cant talk right y’all!”

Chronicles of the Absurd-NO.You are NOT like me.

And I don’t want YOUR ads playing in MY state. I have enough to deal with considering the biggest asshole we had for governor wants to try his hand at raising my fees and the toll amounts on the roads I travel by running for office again.

I am SO sick of all of these political ads polluting my morning news. I am SO sick of these out of touch, over pandering liars and their bullshit. You assholes want to impress me and get my vote? Then try living without a bank account for a month and get back with me.

Why is it that we can have over 1000+ different soda, cars, jeans, etc. to choose from, yet we are only subjected to two crappy political parties or their side fringe nut jobs? Welcome to the United States of Absurdity.