SPAM ON THE ROAD: Countdown to Shippensburg!

Spam Poster

OK. A week away from Shippensburg, where I know, alot of you guys are going.

I can’t wait!

2 reasons. Everyone is gonna have a good time and all that jazz, and I get to ride back to Philly that night!

Yeah that’s right bitches! Back for a full day on Monday. Taking the train early tuesday morning to Utica, NY for the show that night. Just bought the ticket.

This makes me really happy. I get everyone to come see the show. (Emily is gonna love it) and I get to ride back to philly with the boys. Get some Chadley. Spend a whole day with Gladburger, and have my man that night. It’s gonna be great. ………….


Tomorrow we head back to Canada. Don’t know if I told you guys but I went to King of Donair when I was in Nova Scotia. Eh? No Ricky and Julian, but plenty of good gravy cheese fries.

We lost a girl for 4 weeks. She got drunk and dislocated her elbow. It was gross. She has a replacement for a while then she comes back. Roomie is cool. nothing else.

Can’t wait!
