South Park’s Insheeption and Reality Show Stupid “Manufactured Drama” Music

If you haven’t watched the new episode of South Park yet, you must!

Mr. Mackey is Hoarding

I thought it was funny because all summer long, while in Rehoboth, every time John, Will or Mark would watch a reality show I always bitched that the “manufactured drama” music in the shows drive me nuts.  The episode itself is a mash up of the reality show “Hoarders” (which I shamefully like) and the movie “Inception” which I haven’t seen yet.   There’s this one character that jumps into each scene and does reality show back up music while the plot is hurriedly being explained.  HE IS SO ON THE MONEY! I thought the episode was HILARIOUS, especially when a young Mr. Mackey is getting fucked by Woodsy The Owl and screams, “No woodsy, okay, don’t touch my pee pee, I’ll give a hoot, okay!”.  

Click on this to hear the South Park version of stupid reality show drama music     

You can watch the episode on South Park’s site by clicking here.