SPAM ON THE ROAD: Schedule Crap!

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Ok so everyone who is coming to Shippensburg.

Tight schedule. I want to see you all.   we get into shippensburg around 3. and I have to be at the theatre at 5 for meeting and sound check. I will be free from around 545 to 630.  I would love for all of you to meet me at the theater at 545pm if you can for a quick bite to eat or a coffee or something, just so we can see each other a bit. cause I know we are gonna wanna leave for philly right after the show so that chad can get to bed. I will text everyone when I get back into the states tomorrow morning.  Just a heads up.

can’t wait till tomorrow.


Great Moments in Parenting

Back when I had a life and a career, I was in charge of a temp who was a good worker. Unfortunately, this worker also liked to pad his time sheet and forge my signature on it. Naturally, when I found out, I fired him. It was a sad affair, with the guy apologizing profusely to me, saying he did it cause he needed the money.

Fast forward 13 years and it seems my initials have struck again, only this time on a 6th grade science quiz that was a “D”. Upon discovery of this, I got really angry. Even more angrier then at the temp who bilked our agency out of thousands of OT hours. Because this time, the betrayal was from someone I love.

I have always told my daughter that if she brings me the bad news first, I will not get angry. If she hides it from me and I find out, I’m gonna explode. She did not follow that rule this time, and I exploded.

My husband thought I was being “harsh” because, and I quote “She said she thought the way you wrote your initials was so cool, was only seeing if she could write the way you do herself…she meant no harm…”

Um, yeah, and it just so happens that the paper she chose to practice it on was her poorly taken quiz? I told my husband, that if that was the way it was going to go for the next 7 years, that he was in trouble. “Daddy, I only took your car and wrecked it into that other car cause I thought the way you wreck cars is SO cool…”

What happens when…

you mix

our favorite podcast with our favorite NY Gubernatorial candidate?      


This guy speaks da troof!!!

The rent is too damn high… AND YES!  If ya wanna marry a shoe, I’ll marry ya!

This guy should be president of da WORLD!!  (and I’m so totally serious about this).   Thanks to Bitchin Bob for this one!

THIS IS THE MY CURRENT MESSAGE TO MY CURRENT LANDLORD!  Maybe I should just email this to him!!

Watch the follow up videos on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell from last week and this week!

SPAM ON THE ROAD: Countdown to Shippensburg!

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OK. A week away from Shippensburg, where I know, alot of you guys are going.

I can’t wait!

2 reasons. Everyone is gonna have a good time and all that jazz, and I get to ride back to Philly that night!

Yeah that’s right bitches! Back for a full day on Monday. Taking the train early tuesday morning to Utica, NY for the show that night. Just bought the ticket.

This makes me really happy. I get everyone to come see the show. (Emily is gonna love it) and I get to ride back to philly with the boys. Get some Chadley. Spend a whole day with Gladburger, and have my man that night. It’s gonna be great. ………….


Tomorrow we head back to Canada. Don’t know if I told you guys but I went to King of Donair when I was in Nova Scotia. Eh? No Ricky and Julian, but plenty of good gravy cheese fries.

We lost a girl for 4 weeks. She got drunk and dislocated her elbow. It was gross. She has a replacement for a while then she comes back. Roomie is cool. nothing else.

Can’t wait!
