Well, as you all know, I got the job as instructional designer at a chicken farm in Lower Slower Delaware. I was given an office with no windows, so I decided to put a nice window view on my computer. I thought this captured the spirit of Lower Slower Delaware and the job at hand!
Monthly Archives: June 2010
Funny Signage o The Week!
This sign was spotted on the Rehoboth Beach Delaware boardwalk. The arcade/amusement section of the park is called PLAYLAND and it lost a very important lighted letter. I think with the “L” blown out, the name of the business is more appropriate as “PAYLAND”. Go in, have fun, and PAY PAY PAY!
PowerPoint Can Be A Bitch!
Doing a presentation on presentations this week. I found this comedy bit on PowerPoint abuse that I thought was very funny. I’m surprised more comedians don’t make use of PowerPoint. It is, pretty much, the adult version of an etch-a-sketch.
Who says the elderly can’t rock it
It’s like my grocery store on the days that the social security checks & retirement bus rolls in…just without Ann Margret and The Bay City Rollers.
I’ll never look at Saturday night the same again…
Space Weather Alert
No Steve Jobs, that failure to connect may not have been your 4G network…we call it the I-Sun and NOAA is predicting a 60% chance on geomagnetic activity due to some solar wind hitting the Earth’s magnetic field.
And just in case you forgot how living in a star’s atmosphere works sometimes (that means you Steve Jobs), here ya go:
Chronicles of the Absurd
I am really starting to love Sarah Palin. Just when you think she can not be anymore absurd, she tops herself.
She recently posted on her “failbook” page that she thinks President Obama needs to call her so she can educate him on how to act like an executive, and how to deal with the oil companies since she herself has had SO much experience in dealing with an oil spill aka the Exxon fiasco.
Well…the Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound happened in 1989. What was she doing in 1989? She was at home starting her child army. She was not elected to any “official” public office until 1992-a full 3 years after the disaster. She was appointed to an Alaskan “Oil Commission” but only served a year on that board. I suppose approving a transcontinental oil pipeline (which is currenlty facing legality charges in Canadian First Nations) gives her all the experience she needs when dealing with an environmental disaster such as the loss the entire GULF OF MEXICO.
Thanks Sarah, but No thanks. If the President needs to know how to hunt or play hockey, he’ll call you.
Rehomo News W/ Billy C. ; )
Rehoboth news
Hello Gaylawere!
Billy Here with all the Family news.
Today in Rehoboth Beach The queers were out in force as the temperatures rose and the season sprang into full swing. No gray skies, but plenty of gray hairs, and the younger crowd never fails to make an appearance on Friday and Saturday.
The Aqua Grille recently had their Summer opening. Speaking of openings, the Aqua Servers are back. Their trademark black muscle shirts, and over all bodily beauty is sure to give any patron a sudden urge to sit down. Does your mother know you work here? The sea of polo shirts and plaid Bermuda shorts ensures that no matter who you are, you’re only a stoli and tonic away from being completely ignored by everyone.
The Fish will Fly at the Seafood shack. This moderately priced intimate space gives every flounder a chance to shack up. Forget the worms this trip. These ladies are all about the fish food.
The Blue Moon, Where you’ll never see me standing alone. Cram on in to the Moon for plenty of groin graizing and “accidental” bumps. Moderatley priced and great place to make plans for later.
Feeling bored yet. Not your scene. That ok. We know You like it a little bit dirtier. Then Race to Ladies and Lace, the Double LL to the locals. If you like cheap, and dirty, and Urinals with Ice, then this dim lit bar will be extremely BEARable.
If you’re anything like me you like your men au natural. While there is no water front nudity in Rehoboth, you’d never know it at poodle beach. Speedo Stock goes through the roof when the boys in rehomo hit the surf. Body dismorphia has never been hotter.
Well ,That about wraps up this queer little romp down Rehoboth Avenue. I’m off to the Frogg Pond where you never know what you’re gonna get. And, that’s the way I like it.
Bringing you the news about all things Rehomo, this is Billy C. here saying.
Get him while he’s drunk!
Space Weather Alert
Comet McNaught (not to be confused with Comet McShould) is hurling itself through the inner solar system towards our sun.
“Comet McNaught can be found low in the northeastern sky before dawn gliding through the constellation Perseus It is brightening as it approaches Earth for a 1.13 AU close encounter on June 15th and 16th. Currently, the comet is at the threshold of naked eye visibility (5th to 6th magnitude) and could become as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper (2nd magnitude) before the end of the month. Estimates are uncertain, however, because this comet is a newcomer to the inner solar system, and thus somewhat unpredictable.”
Spaceweather.com is asking readers to wake up before dawn to monitor it. I am asking if you’re stumbling home drunk or been up all night having a good time, poke your head outside and take a quick peek.
And It Just Happens to Have the Best Surfboard Ever
Most realistic PR add for Gay Marriage that I’ve seen to date…minus the surfboard, which was a nice touch.
Space Weather Alert
A high-speed solar wind stream is buffeting Earth’s magnetic field and causing geomagnetic storms around the poles.
Proton densities of the solar wind have increased as well.
So those dropped calls today may not be your phone carriers fault-unless they offer “Solar Flare Protection” with their packages…