It’s like my grocery store on the days that the social security checks & retirement bus rolls in…just without Ann Margret and The Bay City Rollers.
I’ll never look at Saturday night the same again…
It’s like my grocery store on the days that the social security checks & retirement bus rolls in…just without Ann Margret and The Bay City Rollers.
I’ll never look at Saturday night the same again…
No Steve Jobs, that failure to connect may not have been your 4G network…we call it the I-Sun and NOAA is predicting a 60% chance on geomagnetic activity due to some solar wind hitting the Earth’s magnetic field.
And just in case you forgot how living in a star’s atmosphere works sometimes (that means you Steve Jobs), here ya go:
I am really starting to love Sarah Palin. Just when you think she can not be anymore absurd, she tops herself.
She recently posted on her “failbook” page that she thinks President Obama needs to call her so she can educate him on how to act like an executive, and how to deal with the oil companies since she herself has had SO much experience in dealing with an oil spill aka the Exxon fiasco.
Well…the Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound happened in 1989. What was she doing in 1989? She was at home starting her child army. She was not elected to any “official” public office until 1992-a full 3 years after the disaster. She was appointed to an Alaskan “Oil Commission” but only served a year on that board. I suppose approving a transcontinental oil pipeline (which is currenlty facing legality charges in Canadian First Nations) gives her all the experience she needs when dealing with an environmental disaster such as the loss the entire GULF OF MEXICO.
Thanks Sarah, but No thanks. If the President needs to know how to hunt or play hockey, he’ll call you.