Are you wondering…”Why did that call go right to voice mail?” Space Weather thats why. The Earth is getting lit up by a solar wind storm that is kicking up some impressive geomagnetic activity.

The folks at NOAA, when not monitoring the oil spill, estimate a 60% chance of more geomagnetic activity tonight as the solar wind continues to blow.

From the above picture you would think that our President has BP against the wall. CEO Tony Hayward is making the quasi “fist face” and Obama’s got him on the ropes with his “I mean business” pointer thumb. But no. BP is getting off cheap. So just for the hell of it, I googled “what can I buy for $20 billion” and this is what I got.
Wow. The folks on the Gulf Coast will cost BP what Spam costs in terms of the loss of productivity per year. Hmmm. What else? The US Bank Bailout perhaps? A Microsoft Share buyback? Yep. It sounds like its a lot of money to compensate people who have lost their lively hoods, but its really not. It is only the tip of a multi-generational iceberg whose melt rate will overflow in that area for years and years to come.
Joe Biden’s head down says it all. We are screwed.
Deconstructing the world – one blog at a time