CtrlZStudio Podcast Numero Duero!!

Sorry folks this was a week late in posting.  I had to listen to the whole thing the whole way through and clean it up!

Here it is in all it’s glory:

  • More angst toward BP
  • space weather that matters
  • chicken news
  • rehomo update
  • phone a friend
  • ctrlzstudio cafeteria menu
  • Hans and conspiracy theories
  • and tons of audio stupidity and silliness for your enjoyment.

Sound quality is ‘eh… so so’ but … the point is there (whatever that may be).

In summary, listen to a recording of a bunch of people having a good time bullshitting.

Podcast participants this time are:  Bitchin Bob, Chad, Mysterious Denise, South Philly Sammy, Will, Mark ‘the meat whisperer’, Birthday Brenty, Johnny D, and Glorious Greg.

Click here     
to get it!