Tag Archives: makes you think

Way to go NASA!

With all the hate going towards the government and anything it pays, yet still cashing their checks these days, the rocket scientists at NASA announce that they have “an astrobiology finding that will impact the search for evidence of extraterrestrial life ” that exists in arsenic ponds on….Mars?….Venus?…no Earth.

If life can exist in arsenic ponds here, it has to on other worlds which contain arsenic. And oxygen. And carbon. And nitrogen. And water. So, when looking for other life, we need to look for other Earths right? So how is this a breakthrough? In a time when space travel, space telescopes, space shuttles, and even NASA itself is on the chopping block, this is not the kind of PR campaign that is going to keep your doors open and keep the enlightenment of finding out about the universe we live in ALIVE from the those whom want us to live in the DARK and under the FEAR of an all seeing and all knowing celestial dictator.

The BEST View on Obama and the Economy I Have Read So Far!!

Robert Reich put it best!  It isn’t the government that is causing our economic woes and tearing it down and downsizing it is destroying any protection the middle/working class in this country have!!

Read the article!  This guy is putting it better than anyone so far!

And if you are a republican or fox news fan, don’t even bother reading it.  You wont agree with it anyways!

The big question is:

Quiz: What’s responsible for the lousy economy most Americans continue to wallow in?

A. Big government, bureaucrats, and the cultural and intellectual elites who back them.

B. Big business, Wall Street, and the powerful and privileged who represent them.

(And if you are wondering, I think it is TOTALLY answer “B”!!!  Answer “A” is totally a tea party ignorant Fox News viewer answer!)

I agree with this guy, Palin IS a crappy dancer, and I have the shits of politics too!!

Palin Hater
Just thinking of that cow Bristol Palin!

This article cracked me up!  It seems that I agree with this whack job in Wisconsin!  I am “fed up with politics” and I don’t think “Bristol Palin is a very good dancer” as well!   I guess the only difference is, I’m not shooting my television.


Maybe I should buy a gun and a television.  That would probably help.  Maybe I should get money first….heh


Sometimes when I hear Yoko Ono, I think I might actually like today’s music like Lady Gaga and such.  But considering that today’s music is such a VISUAL experience, I still find Yoko Ono more entertaining.  Maybe it’s just the thought that someone is crazy enough to do something this annoying and stupid.  Maybe this is my career future.  Although, I don’t think I could do it as long as she does in public and not crack myself up.  I guess the insane way in which she takes herself so seriously is the artform?  Did that make sense?  Does this?!?

Just see if you can handle the length of the whole video. I sat here and laughed my ass off the entire duration of the bit. She sort of starts to “get down” at :33 seconds in but it’s still a tough call. In a world gone completely mad, Yoko Ono is starting to make sense. Be afraid people! Be very afraid! (By the way, it was a butt load of fun just tagging this posting!)

If Facebook considers me a fake account, does that mean I am not real?

I know, as soon as the word “Facebook” appears as the title of a post, some of us out there will roll the eyes, shake the head and have the “thats what you get” attitude for even dealing with that excuse of electrons…but for some of us its purely a way to keep in touch with friends and family, and a way to waste time.

So this morning as I methodically went through my compulsive list of sites I visit, all let me in except for one.  Facebook.

It seems that FAILBOOK (a.k.a. Facebook from here on out) has disabled my account for being flagged, well here read the description:

“Fake accounts are a violation of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. All accounts must abide by the following policies:
You must provide your real first name and last name.
Impersonating anyone or anything is prohibited.
You are not allowed to create multiple accounts that exist solely for the usage of Facebook Platform applications. It is a violation of Facebook policy to maintain more than one account on the site.
Profiles created to represent celebrities, pets, ideas, or inanimate objects are strictly prohibited.
Profiles created for the purpose of spamming or harassing others are strictly prohibited.People on Facebook want to interact with their real friends and the people they know in the real world. Since fake accounts can damage the integrity of this environment, they are not allowed to remain on the site”

In order for me to re able my account, they want me to send them a copy of or picture of a governmental issued ID. In other words, I DO NOT EXIST. Does this still mean I have to pay my bills if FAILBOOK doesn’t think I am a real person?

Let’s face it.  In today’s society, people are getting hired, fired, laid, married, divorced, elected, etc, all by being a tool for a “free” service that is far from free.  Rants, bitches, and the day to day bullshit of our lives are based on these things being shared with the world of our friends, families, and groupies.  Sometimes, its just to say hey on the fly to a good friend or family member whom you miss.  Either way, people do it for many reasons, but the biggest is probably a sense of belonging to a group.

So this morning, FAILBOOK broke up with me.  Maybe my life was so good, they couldn’t believe it and had to kick me out?  Maybe I am too much of a nerd?  Maybe it was because I did not play any of their virus ridden games?  Maybe it was because I failed to keep up with the old boyfriend searches or the countless spam FAILBOOK dating emails sent to my email account?  Who knows?  All I know is, that I do not belong anymore.  And in a way, it feels good.

UPDATE: FAILBOOK now says it was a “selective” bug in their security that targeted female participants. According to the article, I wish they would have contacted me because I would say: FUCK YOU I STILL DON’T WANT TO USE YOUR SITE ANYMORE. ASSHOLES.

Lets live in a boxcar!

I love our cultural wordsmithing. In the old days the terminology was short and sweet. And it actually meant something.

Consider the following: during the Great Depression, they had PAN HANDLERS. Then they became BUMs. BUMs. TRAMPs and HOBOs eventually turned into that magic ‘catch-all’ HOMELESS; only to wind up as the very modern and very politically correct term DISPLACED PERSONS.

But there are genuine differences between these terms. A hobo is a migratory worker who likes to travel, a tramp travels without working, and a bum does not travel or work. Politically correct ‘catch-all’ terminology actually serves to diminish these folks.

Since most of us are a scant paycheck or two away from the gutter, what the future may hold for us is uncertain at best. Since everything old eventually becomes new again, I suggest that you all familiarize yourselves with this link as it may become useful during the coming economic apocalypse! And when those politically correct literary craftsmen describe your current economic condition by calling you and your family “impecunious denizens”,… well, you heard it here first.

See you on the road!


Proof that its not just me

Ya’ll know I got this “issue” with the nasty old men in Washington, County MD right? Well, today as I was letting my fingers do the walking all over the news, I stumbled upon this tidbit of local flavor.

And the guy’s name says it all…Llyod Grim, 86. I am still trying to convince my sister she is in great danger….Alison, if you can read this…please by all means, avoid the Sharpsburg area. You can defeat them pretty easily in ones or twos, but when they horde, look out!

Great Moments in Parenting

Back when I had a life and a career, I was in charge of a temp who was a good worker. Unfortunately, this worker also liked to pad his time sheet and forge my signature on it. Naturally, when I found out, I fired him. It was a sad affair, with the guy apologizing profusely to me, saying he did it cause he needed the money.

Fast forward 13 years and it seems my initials have struck again, only this time on a 6th grade science quiz that was a “D”. Upon discovery of this, I got really angry. Even more angrier then at the temp who bilked our agency out of thousands of OT hours. Because this time, the betrayal was from someone I love.

I have always told my daughter that if she brings me the bad news first, I will not get angry. If she hides it from me and I find out, I’m gonna explode. She did not follow that rule this time, and I exploded.

My husband thought I was being “harsh” because, and I quote “She said she thought the way you wrote your initials was so cool, was only seeing if she could write the way you do herself…she meant no harm…”

Um, yeah, and it just so happens that the paper she chose to practice it on was her poorly taken quiz? I told my husband, that if that was the way it was going to go for the next 7 years, that he was in trouble. “Daddy, I only took your car and wrecked it into that other car cause I thought the way you wreck cars is SO cool…”