Tag Archives: Grinds My Gears

Own A Blackberry?! Regret it yet?!

Once again, the rich get away with murder and all they say is, “We’re sorry!” and it makes it all better. It’s funny, if I did something in my job that caused millions of people to lose service they pay for, I would get fired, disciplined, lose my income, my house, my life…. But these rich business owners (especially banks) just get away (once again) with “we’re sorry…”

Pathetic double standard!

Caption Contest?! ANYONE!?

Why does my finger smell like poo?!!

WAAAAH!  Bawl baby Rick Santorum cant clear the horrible definition of his name on Google!  Now he’s bawling like a baby because Google only wants to honor free speech and he isn’t a fan of what people say about him!  WAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Anyone want to take this and put a speech balloon on it or stick something on the end of his finger, help yourself!  This image looks like perfect fodder for comments!

You can read about him crying like a little bitch here.