9 thoughts on “Fox News Smackdown”

  1. Its sad that no matter how you spin it, unless there is an extremist far right spokesperson, the media does not care nor will they give any voice to ordinary people. Just doesn’t propel ratings as much as kooks do…

    Also…is this really about corporate greed? Cause if so, then why don’t all the Amish dumpster chic hipsters smash their I-phones and Mac books in protest? Burn their American Apparel? I struggle to survive daily like everyone else, live on one income, etc, yet I cant afford a Mac book, nor an I-phone or smart phone, etc…how are they struggling?

    I dont want to sound like an old bitter fart, because I do think we need to have a serious discussion in the country about what our values really are, and unfortunately, that message will be drowned out because of the hypocrisy…like vegans who wear leather…

  2. @msneebo – I think the fact that these individuals…kids, young, old, married, retired(they really run the gamut) tweet and iMac and use other forms of corporate designed/corporate created communication has been an attempt in the past to suggest hypocrisy on the part of the Occupyers. But here’s the thing: When the Soviet Union fell in the early Nineties the masses were protesting and demonstrating against the State. They also all wearing state-created clothing, using state-created communications etc etc all in their effort to oppose the state. The fact is that people just don’t have a choice. Our system is just as totalitarian as the Soviet one. That’s what the protest is about. As far as ‘ordinary people’ being given a voice, this kid Jesse has been invited to speak on the Sunday AM talk circuit and is being courted by Jon Stewart as a guest on the Daily Show.

    I believe that eloquent, well-informed individuals (unlike the Tea Baggers)will only help this cause and honestly ; Damn the mainstream media if they don’t pick up on it. They have become irrelevant

  3. I agree that eloquent, well-informed individuals will only help this cause. However, its the hipster/hippy dippy nut jobs with their spinning circles that will be its downfall-and will not make people take this seriously.

    And it’s not technology’s fault, nor can it be faulted as a reason to not take this seriously, but its a double edged sword-like those folks tweeting Gay Fish aka Kayne West’s picture yesterday at the event-complete with his gold chains and gold teeth-what is put out is “Here is Gay Fish, protesting corporate greed while wearing 100K worth of gold” and not this dude Jessie, nor his retort to Faux News or about this cause. I am glad that Jon Stewart is courting him to have him speak on his show and give a clear direction to the dialogue. Hopefully, this will change some people’s perceptions. Yet, here again, it will not be validated by some because it is Jon Stewart’s show.

    Mainstream media may be irrelevant to the educated and informed, but unfortunately, 85% of the rest of America does not view it as such-and herein lies the root of the problem, and what is being spun about this cause.

    In order to change people’s perceptions, you need to be able to change the conversation, and I have real doubts that anyone will change the wallets of the elite and their influence in that talk…disenfranchisement is their plan, and they will continue to use it-right even up to the guillotine.

    Unlike the Soviets, this “revolution” will not bring about its desired result. It fuels the corporate mantra, and makes those whom fear change or just basic human social justice rattle their swords against it even more. Corporations, Wall Street, and the elite are counting on it.

    Unless this movement gets a clear direction and has people representing it that can speak to a greater audience, the message is lost and it becomes the tea bag party for hippies and malcontents.

    The better message is the angry black man’s rant. How can you argue against what he is saying? Take out the colorful language, and you’ve got something that even Joe dirt farmer in Iowa can relate to-not an unemployed 20 something hipster software designer who is sitting on his ass, playing on his Mac book…

  4. The dirty hippie/dippy element that everyone loves to play up at these things is the one toe in the door that the corporate news douches love to play up. If I was in a building and the damn thing caught fire, would I be in the wrong to listen to the dirty stinky hippie fuck who actually knows where the fire-exit is? I would most certainly take the guy seriously. This is a fire.

    Do you know what most people take seriously nowadays (besides fire)? Not the guy at the event who tweets about jerk-off rap stars. It’s unemployment. It’s foreclosures. It’s political disenfranchisement.

    And like I said, the media chastising the Occupiers as being hypocritical for embracing corporate hi-tech communication solutions or for wearing their Birchenstocks is a little like calling the inmates at Buchenwald hypocrites for sporting their striped pajamas. Honestly, the use of hi-tech now makes FOX, CNN et al obsolete and irrelevant. Just like the humor of Jay Leno or David Letterman or the concept of “waiting ’till your wedding night”, The McNews corporate shills are no longer important. Fuck ’em. Especially when their attitude towards this story only seems to be either ‘ignore’ or ‘berate’.

    I agree that conversation needs to happen. The message will be broad but that should not hinder anyone who seeks real change. Besides dialogue the other way to hit the 1%’ers is of course in their wallets. That will really be the only way to get them to listen. General Strikes (the Unions are on our side) ‘Bank Holiday’ – if everyone took their money out of the Wells Fargo or TD and put it in the Mom and Pop bank that might be a good start. Just a thought.

    Whether the 85% of people acting as sheep (sheeple?) in this country are smart enough to recognize the wolves is a matter of debate. If Farmer Joe can’t relate or get with the program and start in with some real righteous indignation, he’ll have plenty of time to sit and think about his inaction on his newly foreclosed farm.

  5. Dont screw the pooch before it’s born… Remember “the revolution will not be televised” in this case. Why? because the media is one of the entities we are revolting against.

    This is just like coverage of gay pride. They find the person who is a drag queen and on the most drugs to interview. THANK GOD the guy in this interview was sensible. I think the fox reporter saw his funny hat and thought, “here’s someone who will make this look like a hippy drum circle.” HE WAS WRONG.

    And really, do you think the french revolution had a coherent message and a leader? NO! THE PEOPLE WERE NOT HAPPY. THAT IS THE MESSAGE.

    This is a mob rule situation. Revolutions dont come about with a clear message or leader… Do you know what starts a revolution?


    If people generally aren’t happy (here’s a small list why: abortion rights, economy, human rights, equality, corporate malfeasance, a judiciary that functions for PROFIT, corporations being treated as a human individual, the concept of you must have debt to be financially viable, the 1% of this country hoarding the nations wealth, the war(s) in the middle east, the corruption in mexico, the back room deals with oil companies and land owners, etc etc), then they will amass.

    First of all, these protests obviously aren’t going away. Since this started weeks ago, they have grown in size. Look it up. There are about 30 cities in this country right now that have protests. Obviously New York, Philly, LA, Boston, Baltimore, and DC. But it’s turning up in cities like, Kansas City, Austin, Houston, Denver, Phoenix…. This shit is growing.

    It’s only a matter of time before a trigger happy “hippy” hating riot cop pulls the trigger and kills someone (remember kent state?) then the people will get MAD. Right now they are unhappy… If they get MAD the numbers will grow at a more accelerated rate. That’s when things will start to happen up top.

    There is no revolution without blood (unfortunately) and it will be interesting to see when the powers that be will decide to stop the blood from flowing. Keep in mind, it hasn’t started to flow yet and these protests are only getting bigger.

    AND YES!! JEFF IS VERY CORRECT! The media is/are irrelevant. Remember the gay pride experience above? They will always try to portray this as a fringe revolt/hippy drum circle. Look at the pictures closely. IT’S NOT!

    I think it will be interesting to see how the numbers change for the protests this weekend. There are a lot of frustrated people like myself who work 40+ hours a week and are nearly homeless with the end of their employment in the very near future. These people just need some time off of the slave schedule and I’m sure they will turn up.

    It’s up to us to combat the media’s portrayal. It’s time for us to just make a sign, bring some noise makers, and just show up and be counted. Somehow I think it’s got to have more of a voice then simply voting (which we all know DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE).

    Let’s give it a go! I support these people, hippies, unemployed, or simply JUST UNHAPPY! I’m with them this weekend. Thinking Saturday after lunch! Anyone else? Jeff? Wanna create a crowd of people? Call some folks! Let’s make some signs and have fun with it! It’s the least we can do!

  6. I am with you 100% on the reasons why this is happening and why it needs to happen-I just wish it had a clearer message. Too much is being left open to interpretation, and not always in a good way. My fear is that the misrepresentation by the main stream media is going to kill this movement entirely.

    With that being that said, after my discussion with Chad this morning, I think it best that we attend (myself included) the occupation and see for ourselves. I even suggested that we video tape ourselves asking people some questions about this movement, and their feelings about the situation. We already have an outlet to post this truth, without spinning, or pointing out the patchouli. However I will be wearing my skinny jeans AND my birkenstocks…so spin away CNN.

    We can debate this issue all day, or we can do something about. I can’t do much here in the white collar republican jesus backwater I call home, but I can when I am in Philly.

    What say you? Are you up for it?

  7. There is nothing like that going on here. However, if you want to look at dead fetuses, or the next political sell out on the street corner, then this is your place.

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