Category Archives: Grinds My Gears

Dark Day

My cat is in renal failure. I have to give him I.V. fluids and will get his blood checked on Friday to see if its even worth continuing.

Right now my head is telling me the rational things, but my heart is feeling like this:

Gonna do what I can to help my furry companion, but I think its just a question of time.

Pud kept me from being lonely during the day, and I don’t know what I am going to do when he is gone. Another cat just doesn’t cut it to me right now because old ironsides is one of a kind…

So far this year sucks. Can we go back?

Chicago is Freakin Cold!!! EEEK!

Spent the first time in my life actually IN Chicago for a few days thanks to Will and Spamalot.

Stayed at the Comfort Inn & Suites on E. Ohio St. in Chicago.

Not a bad hotel but had a totally USELESS couch in the living room.  It was like a small broken fold out bed love seat thing.  The cushions didn’t even match the couch.  It was like dumpster reject furniture.  Word of advice for this hotel:

Look, you are a hotel in a very VERY cold city.  People sometimes just want to stay in the room instead of go out into the “balmy” 10 degrees you got flyin around your streets.  This means your TV’s/Internet will be used and so will the couch!  If the couch sucks, don’t synthesize a passable one from other broken couches… THROW THE DAMN THING OUT!

This obviously didn’t occur to them because you couldn’t sit on the couch for longer than 5 minutes without severe back pain or a wedgie!

Other than the couch, the hotel was pretty nice.  Beds were clean and comfortable and bathroom was clean and shower had great pressure.  The view from the room was pretty cool too!

Click for a big picture
View from Comfort Inn and Suites Chicago. Click to download a better image!

Had a great visit to the skydeck at the Willis Tower (the former Sears Tower).  It was 103 stories up.  (And NO, the skydeck was not “calling to me” as the stupid website would say.  I just like tall buildings.  (Stupid marketing copyrighting dorks!!))  The elevator ride was wobbly and scary.  The view was incredible.  I took a few pictures and tried to make a “connecto picture” like I did in Atlantic City. This is out the north east side of the Willis/Sears tower overlooking the city with hancock tower (black tower), trump tower (silver tower), and lake michigan (big blue body of water!)

Click for a biggy version!
Northeast view from Sears/Willis Tower! It's a "Connecto-pic" ala cell phone! Click to download a better image!

Also did the thing at the tower where you can walk out on the glass box and look straight down.  It’s really creepy.  I found looking up at the very top edge of the building to be the most dizzying.  Looking down at your shoes was pretty common:

Looking out the side of the glass box to the OTHER glass box made ya kinda queezy.  Seeing the city from 103 stories up BEHIND other people floating on the side of the building was pretty sick!

In summary, had a great time.  It was REALLY nice to see/spend time with Will.  He made all sorts of fun arrangements so we could get around and see as much as we could despite the cold weather.  (MY GOD PEOPLE, IT’S THE COLDEST PLACE I’VE EVER EXPERIENCED IN MY LIFE!  I DON’T SEE HOW PEOPLE LIVE THERE!)

I must say, the ride to and from Chicago was really fun!  I took 476 north from Philly then I-80 all the way across.  Witnessed some very beautiful mountains and very bizarre weather patterns.  My car looks like a salt lick right now (real pretty on a black car).  It was an 800 mile commute one way.  Took a perfect 12 hours each way.  Not bad!  Had to fill my tank 3 times each way.

Indiana still has the best turnpike with the 70 mph speed limit but their self serve “insert dollar into the sucker” tool booths suck.

Stupid Toll Booths

Ohio still smells funny and takes forever to drive through.

Stinky Ohio

And I still wasn’t “welcomed” by a sign or anything into Illinois!

NO! You are NOT welcome!

So there is my Chicago trip in review!  Sorry about the reused graphics, but somebody has gotta recycle around here!  Shiz!

Time to call up the REAL Harry Potter!!

Yep!  North and South Korea are at it again!

I think we need the REAL Harry Potter!  He’ll fix this AGAIN!  And we wont need some little glasses eye’d twink with a stupid magic stick!

Maybe they’ll bring back MASH then we could stop watching stupid shit like Dancing With The Palins.


I’m sorry, my language is heavy handed and there is no media associated with this posting, but



There!  I saved you all the time of reading all of these rehashed stories about airport security that are blinding us to real news items.

This shit is starting to sound like a broken record every night!  How can this be a top story EVERY  F R E A K I N’  DAY AND NIGHT!?!?!


I agree with this guy, Palin IS a crappy dancer, and I have the shits of politics too!!

Palin Hater
Just thinking of that cow Bristol Palin!

This article cracked me up!  It seems that I agree with this whack job in Wisconsin!  I am “fed up with politics” and I don’t think “Bristol Palin is a very good dancer” as well!   I guess the only difference is, I’m not shooting my television.

Maybe I should buy a gun and a television.  That would probably help.  Maybe I should get money first….heh

If Facebook considers me a fake account, does that mean I am not real?

I know, as soon as the word “Facebook” appears as the title of a post, some of us out there will roll the eyes, shake the head and have the “thats what you get” attitude for even dealing with that excuse of electrons…but for some of us its purely a way to keep in touch with friends and family, and a way to waste time.

So this morning as I methodically went through my compulsive list of sites I visit, all let me in except for one.  Facebook.

It seems that FAILBOOK (a.k.a. Facebook from here on out) has disabled my account for being flagged, well here read the description:

“Fake accounts are a violation of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. All accounts must abide by the following policies:
You must provide your real first name and last name.
Impersonating anyone or anything is prohibited.
You are not allowed to create multiple accounts that exist solely for the usage of Facebook Platform applications. It is a violation of Facebook policy to maintain more than one account on the site.
Profiles created to represent celebrities, pets, ideas, or inanimate objects are strictly prohibited.
Profiles created for the purpose of spamming or harassing others are strictly prohibited.People on Facebook want to interact with their real friends and the people they know in the real world. Since fake accounts can damage the integrity of this environment, they are not allowed to remain on the site”

In order for me to re able my account, they want me to send them a copy of or picture of a governmental issued ID. In other words, I DO NOT EXIST. Does this still mean I have to pay my bills if FAILBOOK doesn’t think I am a real person?

Let’s face it.  In today’s society, people are getting hired, fired, laid, married, divorced, elected, etc, all by being a tool for a “free” service that is far from free.  Rants, bitches, and the day to day bullshit of our lives are based on these things being shared with the world of our friends, families, and groupies.  Sometimes, its just to say hey on the fly to a good friend or family member whom you miss.  Either way, people do it for many reasons, but the biggest is probably a sense of belonging to a group.

So this morning, FAILBOOK broke up with me.  Maybe my life was so good, they couldn’t believe it and had to kick me out?  Maybe I am too much of a nerd?  Maybe it was because I did not play any of their virus ridden games?  Maybe it was because I failed to keep up with the old boyfriend searches or the countless spam FAILBOOK dating emails sent to my email account?  Who knows?  All I know is, that I do not belong anymore.  And in a way, it feels good.

UPDATE: FAILBOOK now says it was a “selective” bug in their security that targeted female participants. According to the article, I wish they would have contacted me because I would say: FUCK YOU I STILL DON’T WANT TO USE YOUR SITE ANYMORE. ASSHOLES.

Gay Vampire Contest?

Jeeezuz,…this guy couldn’t work the vampire look any harder even if he tried, now could he? The thing is, it just doesn’t work. He just winds up looking like a creepy old queen, Norma Desmond in the 1950 film noir ‘Sunset Boulevard’. Even though the founding member of the house of Chanel insists on strutting around like he came in second place at a klaus kinski look-alike contest, He’ll never be gayer or creepier than the original GAY VAMPIRE,…Mr Tom Cruise. That boy is gayer than a tree full of parrots singing Steven Sondheim songs.