Tag Archives: funny

Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass Psychadelia – Dust Off Your Balance Knob

Trippy Herb
Trip out with Herb Alpert mannnn

I have remixed Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass’s-Green Leaves of Summer.

I had a mix of it recorded backwards that I was enjoying and Will recommended that I have it playing backwards and forwards at the same time.

I took the extra step and put the backwards recording in the left speaker and the forwards recording in the right speaker.  That way you can enjoy them both or separate.


to download and listen.

Shut Up and Say Yer Sorry!

Effective Ways of Saying You’re Sorry

  1. I’m feeling defensive.  When I feel defensive, sometimes I say things I don’t mean.
  2. I’m not talking to you like you are someone I love.  Let me start over because I do love you.
  3. I know I’m sounding angry, but I’m feeling extremely threatened.  Let me take a couple breaths and try again.
  4. I know you’re feeling harassed. Please bear with me, I will do better for you.
  5. I’m afraid if I say I’m sorry, you’ll make everything my fault.
  6. I’m sorry. I think I was using a tone of voice I did not mean.
  7. I overreacted earlier.  We should try that conversation again.
  8. I guess I haven’t been listening very well.  Please give me another chance.
  9. Please forgive me?
  10. I know I’ve hurt you.  What can I do to help us get happy again?
  11. I’ve said some mean things.  Can I take them back?
  12. I’m making it sound like it was your entire fault.  I know that’s not true.
  13. I know I sound mad now.  I’m sorry and I haven’t stopped loving you.
  14. I love you, I hate fighting, and I’m sorry for my part in this one!
  15. I feel lousy about what just happened. Can we just make up?

* Thanks to John DeCore

I Think Trey Parker and Matt Stone from South Park Lived in South Philly at One Time!

Click to listen!!!     

First the Portsmouth Sinfonia and NOW I’m Hooked on The Shaggs!

You all may know of my love of the Portsmouth Sinfonia.  They were an orchestral band of trained musicians who were required to play on instruments they didn’t know how to play. (It is rumored that one member of the Portsmouth Sinfonia was actually disciplined for attempting to practice!) I was drawn into this by one of it’s members, Mr. Brian Eno. Here’s a head bangin’ sample of the Portsmouth Sinfonia!

But NOW we have this band called The Shaggs.

The Shaggs Can't Play for Shit!

Thanks to Huffington Post for posting this, so I don’t have to describe it. Read the article, listen to the music/video’s. (If it’s good enough for Frank Zappa it’s DEFINITELY worth a listen – even if only for a giggle). Apparently there’s a live musical, play, bit, thing about this. I’d love to see it. Once again, I’m stepping into the world of theater appreciation.


and here’s the All Music Guide post:


Randall (Mr. Honey Badger) is back with NOT ENOUGH SWEARING!!

Randall’s narration of nature footage always makes me laugh. Here he’s doing the 80’s cartoon Jem (which I can honestly say I never watched – I’m merely aware of its wretched existence). I think Randall sort of “jumps the shark” here. The reason why? NOT ENOUGH SWEARING! If he peppers his delivery with the occasional “fuckin” or “bastard” or “shit”, it’s so much better. I think this is meant for children’s TV. In which case, it seems we’re gaying the kids out at a young age aren’t we? HE

“Click it or ticket” if you need a honey badger fix (“you hungry bastard”)


I’m still hoping for complete and total INSTANT oblivion. Like a light switch to a dimension of nothingness!

