7 thoughts on “Gilbert is too funny for AFLAC!”

  1. i just read about it in huffingtonpost.com! All I gotta say is, “boo hoo hoo! the same people that whined about Ricky Gervais kicking ass in the golden globes! what a bunch of Mongs! useless twats!”

  2. Schadenfreude!

    Gilbert was too quick out of the gate with his jokes, esp by putting them on Twitter (dumb ass). He should have saved them for his live act or on Howard Stern. Could have made more $$$ off of them, and not lost a pretty easy gig.

    I don’t feel sorry for him, nor think that the people who took issue with it are whiners. He bought his tickets, he knew what he was getting into, I say let em crash…

    Here’s a joke for him: What burns faster then a japanese nuclear reactor? Gilbert Gottfried’s career!

  3. He’s the go-to guy for “too soon” jokes. He posted two sincere apology tweets today.

  4. Yes on both counts:
    1. He IS TOO FUNNY for AFLAC.
    2. People come to Philadelphia just to lose work.

    But at least Gilbert still has a job. He tells jokes.

    That great Japanese entertainer GODZILLA is sitting in a downtown Tokyo hotel room right now, unemployed, with a loaded gun-barrel in his mouth, wondering how he’s ever going to compete with earthquakes, tsunamis, deadly radiation and now, Gilbert Gottfried.

    Apparently all Gilbert needs is to Tweet a joke or two and it’s like he’s teamed up with Mothra to destroy the whole island?

    Give me a break.

  5. YOu know- I would love to see him replace tha insufferable Progrssive spokes woman! Just a thought!

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