BOGUS FLYERS:A snarky prank to be sure.
Just for laughs, let’s all LIE, get hired, and then have massive gay stanic sex origies in their break room using their delicious packets of special Chik Filet BBQ sauce as lube. Who’s in?

Video of the merry pranksters in action on the campus of NYU

Listen what happened to New Order (what i like to call “Norder”)….

It’s the red version of the Korg Kaossilator. What is different, other than the color, is it’s primary function. The Kaossilator is a Dynamic Phrase Synthesizer (or sound MAKER). The Kaoss Pad (also known as the MiniKP) is a Dynamic Effect Processor (or sound mutilator). So basically, I can make sounds now and then torture them with effects! This provides hours of entertainment and makes what would normally be a repetitive loop a little more exciting with trippy spaced out effects.
Here’s a 5 minute sample song I created. I went through countless different effects tricks on this track so you may have to listen to all of it to hear some of the possibilities. This is only a small fraction of what the combination of these devices can do for someone completely devoid of music performance talent such as myself.
Check it out!
Deconstructing the world – one blog at a time