(Heart attack..) Ok! I’m so going to see this some how some way!!!
Anyone else? Click for more info.
(Heart attack..) Ok! I’m so going to see this some how some way!!!
Anyone else? Click for more info.
OK! I’m officially calling “too much santorum angst on this blog!” It’s no secret we all cant stand the man or his viewpoints and by putting it all here CONSTANTLY is probably helping him more than hurting him. And I’m tired of hearing about how much of an ass he is. This is old news. And to close out this Santorum obsession that “certain writers on this blog have” I thought I’d leave us with this:
Good thing she wore the stupid feather ear rings… Makes her look in touch with some indian culture that would probably disown her after they heard this song. SICKENING BRAIN WASHED FREAKS!
Now, PLEASE let this be enough santorum posting on here until he becomes president, then we can blow the whole damn blog up to santorum posts and change its name to something more limiting like “we hate santorum.com”. (and when that happens i will be deleting myself as a user-because that topic is obvious and bores the shit out of me!)
Never wear Mauve to a ball, or Pink. Or, open your mouth.
Here’s to another 81 years Shatner!
(I love posts where I can use the “old people rocking out badly” tag)
Crapitals* are playing a HUGE game tonight against the Flyers.
Remember Craps, the fans are fair game tonight too…Look another Philly “Albino Goomba” has a case of incoherent uneducated verbal diarrhea. Must have eaten another one of those ecol-i laden Cheese steaks…
Chick even steals a big piece of the broken glass! WTF? She gonna cut somebody with that? See you on the sidewalk bitch.
Oh look, here is another grade A goomba trying to take on Domi! DOMI! Guess this guy did not watch or heed Bubble’s warning about Domi…
But wait…it was Domi’s fault! Flyers fans are entitled to act like assholes! They should be able to hurl insults at the other professional players…Or that was the excuse one Philly Flyers fan had to use in front of the judge for his son’s assault charge on another hockey player and even posted this comment: “My son thought it would be okay to attack C. Pronger at a recent Wild game, all because? of Domi’s actions! Thanks Tie, because of you, I had to explain to the judge how it was all your fault for corrupting Andrew! Jerk!”
But never fear Flyers fans…while you are at the game tonight whether you win or lose, these folks will be taking care of your homes and property…
*my team will prob lose, so let me at least have one trash talk post.