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Hello Sweetie Darling Honey Sweethearts,

After crossing the Mississippi in St. Louis, passing through Arkansas, and singing “25 miles until we get to heaven” as we pulled into the Texas A and M campus, ( only John will get that) I finally have a Golden Day.

A Golden Day, Ladies and Jellyspoons, is a day that has no show and NO travel…

That doesn’t happen. Monday is usually our day off, and usually the longest travel day for the week. So much need recoup time. I’m getting a hair cut.

The days run together. I never know where I was the day before. If someone asks, I really don’t know.
My roommate is leaving the tour. He got a good job in FL. Nothing dramatic. We’ll all be sad to see him go.

I miss you all very much. And, my family. Brent and D, I’m praying for puddles. Bob, keep rocking, Johnny don’t give up. Chef keep cooking please. and Chadley and G keep eachother in good lovings till I can get there.

Next up is Sunny California, and Washington. Wagons HO!


At the Edge of Our Solar System…

And far enough not to be impacted by our sun’s solar winds…

Voyager 1 is now at the edge of solar system. It is amazing to think that this ship has less computing power then my cell phone, and yet it has seen things and will continue to see things that we can only imagine.

I think that Carl Sagan summed up the Voyager mission best and it makes me happy that even though he is no longer with us, Voyager is…and will be long after we have gone.

Zodiac Schmodiac!

I think a bunch of people in funny clothes, with funny hairdos, who don’t know the slightest thing about soap just decided to get more attention.

Apparently some unwashed dork thought it’d be cool to add another sign to the zodiac. The new one is called “Ophiuchus”, like leo the lion or cancer the crab, this is probably like some stupid space-turnip. Here’s the article so you can pretend it has ANY affect on your life whatsoever.

Apparently leo’s and virgo’s are the only ones this works on. Will is now a Leo. My Mom is a Leo.

Whoop dee dang doodlee doo!

(The only significance is that someone close to me had to call me excited and tell me about it! Hahahaha!)

Some Music Died January 4, 2011

One of the best bass players EVER to grace modern music passed away on Jan 4. Mick Karn. (Also see his profile on All Music Guide).

Mick Karn 1

He was the bass player for Japan, Rain Tree Crow, Dali’s Car, Gary Numan & Tubeway Army, No-Man and many others. I’m particularly fond of an album he did with Yoshihiro Hanno in 2000 called Liquid Glass. If you haven’t heard me play it once in a while, you probably aren’t listening. Mick Karn was heralded throughout music, even in the standard jazz genre’s as one of the best bass players around. He was also proficient with very odd (to my liking) implementation of woodwinds in rock music. He was very good at clarinet and bassoon. He used them a lot in the music he made in the 90’s with Jansen/Barbieri/Karn (or JBK) which was the instrumentalists from the band Japan.

Nobody sounds like this guy playing bass… NOBODY. If you don’t believe the power of this, try you tube’ing his name and look at all the people trying to play his bass lines.

This video is actually fun to watch and listen to. You can really hear the quality in the sound Mick Karn was driving at. Listen to this guy try to teach a Mick Karn bass line. He’s doing “Cantonese Boy” from Japan. Just the sound of the fretless bass played in this fashion gives me freakin goose bumps.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m gonna miss Mick Karn.

Here’s another good write up on him.