I agree with this guy, Palin IS a crappy dancer, and I have the shits of politics too!!

Palin Hater
Just thinking of that cow Bristol Palin!

This article cracked me up!  It seems that I agree with this whack job in Wisconsin!  I am “fed up with politics” and I don’t think “Bristol Palin is a very good dancer” as well!   I guess the only difference is, I’m not shooting my television.


Maybe I should buy a gun and a television.  That would probably help.  Maybe I should get money first….heh

“The Beatles” appear from nowhere to dominate charts

BOBPU – Cupertino, CA – Apple’s acquisition yesterday of rights to sell songs by an obscure British band called “The Beatles” amazingly resulted in all 17 albums by the band topping the iTunes charts.

An estimated 30 million dollars was spent on music by the band overnight. Prior to the songs being made available on iTunes, the music all but unobtainable by ravenous fans of the band.

Shane Condrad, 16, a high school student in Los Angeles,bought every remastered release “just because my friends did it.”  Condrad said the music was “kinda like, you know, old sounding, you know, but like good, I guess.”

Prior Tuesday’s announcement, users of Apple products had to actually “rip” their CDs to put music by The Beatles on to their iPods and other Apple devices. “This is so much easier, it was well worth the 240 dollars I spent,” said Condrand.

Apple Computing  (ot to be confused with Apple Records or Honey Crisp Apples., or any goddamn apples of any other kind) said it was was proud to be part of the band’s success.  Spokeswoman Shimely Uspatz said “We’re so happy to see an unknown band make it to the top of the charts so quickly.” Uspatz drove off in her diamond-studded Hummer limousine before BOBPU could ask further questions about the future signing of one Yoko Ono, a Japanese performance artist.

– Bob Kafka, BOB Press Ubinational


Sometimes when I hear Yoko Ono, I think I might actually like today’s music like Lady Gaga and such.  But considering that today’s music is such a VISUAL experience, I still find Yoko Ono more entertaining.  Maybe it’s just the thought that someone is crazy enough to do something this annoying and stupid.  Maybe this is my career future.  Although, I don’t think I could do it as long as she does in public and not crack myself up.  I guess the insane way in which she takes herself so seriously is the artform?  Did that make sense?  Does this?!?

Just see if you can handle the length of the whole video. I sat here and laughed my ass off the entire duration of the bit. She sort of starts to “get down” at :33 seconds in but it’s still a tough call. In a world gone completely mad, Yoko Ono is starting to make sense. Be afraid people! Be very afraid! (By the way, it was a butt load of fun just tagging this posting!)