are you a real south philadelphian?

REAL SOUTH Philadelphians call the Italian Market “Ninth Street,”
Passyunk “The Avenue.” “Moyamensing” only has 3 syllables.(moy-MEN-sing)
Real South Philadelphians love the challenge of a tight parking spot.
Real South Philadelphians do the “South Philly Slide” through stop signs.
Real South Philadelphians eat macaroni on Sunday.
Real South Philadelphians have an aunt who still has plastic slipcovers on her furniture
Real South Philadelphians scrub their stoop every Saturday morning.
Real South Philadelphians play pinochle and drink homemade red
REAL SOUTH Philadelphians call Second Street “Two Street.”
Real South Philadelphia parents call their young children “mommy” or “daddy.”
Real South Philadelphians add the letters “y” or “ie” after every guy’s name:
(Joey, Paulie, Johnie, Mikey, Sammy, Bobby, Markie, Ralphie, Jimmy, Nicky, etc)
Real South Philadelphians know what “wiz wit” means
Real South Philadelphians have a statue of Mary in their front window surrounded by Phillies/Flyers baubble-heads
Real South Philadelphians know the difference between pizza and tomato pie.
Real South Philadelphian waitresses always call ya “Hon”
Real South Philadelphians still call Frank Rizzo “Mayor Rizzo.”
Real South Philadelphians make their own Lemoncello.

Real South Philadelphians don’t mind the music from the Mister Softee truck
Real South Philadelphians call their favorite treat “wooder ice”(churry or strawburry).
Real South Philadelphians think that $2,500 a year for insurance on a 1977 Toyota Corolla is a bargain.
Real South Philadelphians sleep soundly through gunfire and ambulance sirens.
Real South Philadelphians visit New York and are impressed by how clean it is.
Real South Philadelphians call sprinkles on top of your ice cream cone “jimmies”.
Real South Philadelphians vacation at the Jersey shore (pronounced “Downa shoore”) and think its better than going to the Bahamas (there’s more stuff to do, plus you know everybody.)
Real South Philadelphians know that only tourists go to Geno’s, Pat’s and Jim’s : You only go if you’re drunk and it’s 3:00 a.m.

And most importantly:
It Ain’t Sauce Cuz’ it’s Gravy
And real South Philadelphians have always known that