Category Archives: silly

Chronicles of the Absurd asks “Then Why Am I In The Picture?”

Well the voter’s of the great state of Delaware spoke last night and there to answer the call was their champion Christine O’Donnell. Typically, I could give a shit less what happens in Delaware unless it involves tax free shopping or some time spent with dear friends at the beach, but in this case, I can’t let it slide.

The old “Nuts on the Forehead” or “Tea Bagging” party scored a victory over their Republican counterparts by electing Chrissy to run for the Republican ticket for Joe Biden’s (of all people) seat in the Senate. I watched this morning on some news station thanking Sarah Palin for her victory. Really? Wow. If the Chronicles of the Absurd was having a beauty pageant, she would definitely be first runner up. The reason why for first runner up? She scored low points with the closeted gay judges during the final Q & A round on the masturbation question.

Even Sarah Palin is not stupid enough to answer or even bring up that question, I mean the bitch can see Russia from her house! I just feel sorry for the people of Delaware when their S.A.L.T. leader goes to the Senate and enacts laws that forbid them from touching themselves when with themselves.  And as for an answer to Chrissy’s question at the end of the video,  “If it was not for putting a masturbation piece in front of masses, hiding the Talibanistic Christian Right Wing Bullshit, honey you would not have been elected…that is why you are in the picture bitch!”

AUUGH! Todd is comin back to Philly!

As most of you know I am one of the world’s biggest Todd Rundgren fans.   I think I’ve seen him live and met him in person more than any other of my favorite musical artists.  He’s coming to Philadelphia to the Keswick Theater in Glenside Pennsylvania just outside of Philly.

What makes this so special for me and other Todd fans is that he will be playing 2 classic albums in their entirety.  I went to see him do his album A Wizard/A True Star with JohnnyD last year and it was SPECTACULAR!  This year, I’m going with Bitchin Bob for this one. Here’s a crazy bit from last year’s show.  He goes through some 10 crazy costume changes for this stuff.

For what it’s worth, I just thought I’d share a little of my excitement over this. In this day and age, one must make an effort to report on good things. Keeps ya from losing it!

Cheers and poop!

dont be a dick to the dj

Chad insisted I put the rules up if you come to the triangle on Fridays,…here they are


Just what is a “Dick”?

  1. DON’T talk to the deejay whilst he’s spinning. Ever. You wouldn’t talk to a fireman when he’s putting out a fire or a pilot when he’s landing your plane. If you want to talk, talk to Ralphie the bartender. I’m listening to the music, not you… I’m gonna be rude.
  2. DON’T verbally request songs. DON’T drunkenly shout across the bar at me for any reason. I will pack up and leave. Watch me. And DON’T stand there, trying to drunkenly sing song lyrics to me. Sober up. If you know the song you want use the request sheet provided.  Otherwise I can’t help you.
  3. DON’T be a dick by requesting a dozen or two of your favorite songs then get pissy when I only get to 2 or 3 of them. I am not some fleshy jukebox and this is the Triangle, not BURGER KING. You don’t get it your way all the time in life boys n girls, sorry.
  4. DON’T get pissy because I might not have your song at hand. ALSO: due to numerous complaints, I AM NO LONGER playing “Urban Ethnocentric” music that gratuitously uses the “N” word. That’s yours to discover out in West Philly. Help yourself, Gangsta.
  5. DON’T ignorantly request some 12 minute long fossil-rock song that no one gives a shit about and then reach into your pocket and pull out some nickels and dimes and dump them in my tip cup like you’re doing me a favor. Keep your change AND your goddamn requests, Rockefeller.
  6. DON’T DON’T DON’T request ‘Poker Face by LADY GAGA or some other dance-pop when I’m in the middle of playing goddamn STEVIE RAY VAUGHN or OZZIE! It won’t get played. And DON’T ask for friggin’ BUCKCHERRY when I’m in the middle of playing PAUL VAN DYK. (If you don’t know who Paul Van Dyk is, you have NO BUSINESS asking a DJ anything anywhere at anytime.)
  7. DON’T EVER drunkenly put your beer, wine, mixed drinks cigarettes, sodas or ANYTHING on my work table next to the expensive electronics. Unless of course you want to buy me a new amp or laptop.
  8. DON’T drunk-dance in front of my work area ladies like I’m friggin’ KING DAVID and you are BATHSHEBA doing the friggin’ dance of the seven friggin’ veils. Believe it or not this goes for some of you guys too.
  9. DON’T EVEN COME NEAR ME if you are out of your mind drunk, on pills or blow. Just,…stay away. And get some help.
  10. DON’T demand I play your song NEXT! That’s the quickest way for your precious request to go to the bottom of the queue. And it’s just dick dick,…dickish.

THANK YOU people for your time! Kisses on all your openings….