Category Archives: silly

A Little Laughter has Died! Long Live The Legacy of Leslie Nielsen

Leslie Nielsen

Possibly one of my all time favorite comedy actors has passed away.  Leslie Nielsen! I will miss him!  I will honor his memory by watching all 6 Police Squad episodes (in color).

A quote to remember him:

“Sometime, when the crew is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to get out there and give it all they’ve got. And, win just one for the Zipper. I don’t know where I’ll be then, Doc,” he said, “but I won’t smell too good. That’s for sure.”

“I just wanted to tell you, good luck and we’re all counting on you.”

I agree with this guy, Palin IS a crappy dancer, and I have the shits of politics too!!

Palin Hater
Just thinking of that cow Bristol Palin!

This article cracked me up!  It seems that I agree with this whack job in Wisconsin!  I am “fed up with politics” and I don’t think “Bristol Palin is a very good dancer” as well!   I guess the only difference is, I’m not shooting my television.

Maybe I should buy a gun and a television.  That would probably help.  Maybe I should get money first….heh


Sometimes when I hear Yoko Ono, I think I might actually like today’s music like Lady Gaga and such.  But considering that today’s music is such a VISUAL experience, I still find Yoko Ono more entertaining.  Maybe it’s just the thought that someone is crazy enough to do something this annoying and stupid.  Maybe this is my career future.  Although, I don’t think I could do it as long as she does in public and not crack myself up.  I guess the insane way in which she takes herself so seriously is the artform?  Did that make sense?  Does this?!?

Just see if you can handle the length of the whole video. I sat here and laughed my ass off the entire duration of the bit. She sort of starts to “get down” at :33 seconds in but it’s still a tough call. In a world gone completely mad, Yoko Ono is starting to make sense. Be afraid people! Be very afraid! (By the way, it was a butt load of fun just tagging this posting!)

Gay Vampire Contest?

Jeeezuz,…this guy couldn’t work the vampire look any harder even if he tried, now could he? The thing is, it just doesn’t work. He just winds up looking like a creepy old queen, Norma Desmond in the 1950 film noir ‘Sunset Boulevard’. Even though the founding member of the house of Chanel insists on strutting around like he came in second place at a klaus kinski look-alike contest, He’ll never be gayer or creepier than the original GAY VAMPIRE,…Mr Tom Cruise. That boy is gayer than a tree full of parrots singing Steven Sondheim songs.

Proof that its not just me

Ya’ll know I got this “issue” with the nasty old men in Washington, County MD right? Well, today as I was letting my fingers do the walking all over the news, I stumbled upon this tidbit of local flavor.

And the guy’s name says it all…Llyod Grim, 86. I am still trying to convince my sister she is in great danger….Alison, if you can read this…please by all means, avoid the Sharpsburg area. You can defeat them pretty easily in ones or twos, but when they horde, look out!


This guy speaks da troof!!!

The rent is too damn high… AND YES!  If ya wanna marry a shoe, I’ll marry ya!

This guy should be president of da WORLD!!  (and I’m so totally serious about this).   Thanks to Bitchin Bob for this one!

THIS IS THE MY CURRENT MESSAGE TO MY CURRENT LANDLORD!  Maybe I should just email this to him!!

Watch the follow up videos on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell from last week and this week!