All posts by cemego

Chronicles of the Absurd

BP CEO Tony Hayward is going to start running ads of his apology on national television. The cost of this venture is money that could be going towards the remediation of the Gulf of Mexico and the poor folks who live on its shores. We already know they are sorry. Just in the words of our president “Plug the damn hole!”

The only way that BP is going to solve this issue is if they start working on a time machine. Here’s some ideas BP to get you started:

Chronicles of the Absurd

With so much stupidity running rampant, I thought what a shame not capture it. Today’s tasty ignoramus is none other then that tireless self promoting Alaskan Wolverine a.k.a. A Hockey Mom with Teeth a.k.a Mrs. Stupidity 21st Century…Sarah Palin.

You would have thought that a smarter person would have said how great of a tragedy this was and how this impacts the lives of so many truck driving, animal killing, truck driving fisherman who drink beer and drive around with sharks in their flatbeds kinda folks…since this is her *ahem* political base. Nope. She wants to now push for more onshore drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife National Refuge since those same oil companies have basically destroyed an ocean and land should be up for grabs cause we can plug a hole on land. Really Sarah? Really?  I would have thought it to be a huge wake up call for us to start looking for alternative fuels sources, but under the influence of stupidity, I could see where her beauty pageant logic works.

Since the pay out from BP is going to run out for the folks in the Gulf Region sooner rather then later, I think people should make a mass exodus to Alaska so that when the stupidity takes over, they too can pay no taxes and receive $1,000 a year from those oil companies just for living in her “maverick” state. Think she will take the extra money and buy waterfront property on Prince William Sound?  Or maybe a house on the gulf?  Don’t betcha.

I know. This was too easy.


Let me remind you that:

NOAA has daily updates on the size of the spread, projected locations, and a dead marine animal count going.

It looks as if it will be sometime in August before this thing will be plugged…hoping it even if it can be plugged. The vultures of wall street are leaving the bleeding BP as well; clearing the way for the company to declare bankruptcy, while leaving the US holding the bag for the untold economical, social, environmental, etc…etc..disaster that this has, is and will cause in the near and immediate future.

What will be next for BP? BP will just re-organize and come out again to crawl up your leg like a big black oily tick. Also, why should the Brits care? It will be years before the oil gets to them, if at all. It’s reminds me of the Schoolhouse Rock video “No More Kings” only this time our country is complaining and the “Kings of Industry” do not care. Instead of all this “tea bag” nonsense, this country needs to be shouting “oil change!”.

Filament + Exploding Plasma= CME!!!

A long, dark magnetic filament is looping over the sun’s northeastern limb today.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory took the picture just a few hours ago using the highest-resolution cameras ever flown on a mission to study the sun. Plasma trapped inside the filament is dense and cool relative to the seething inferno below. If the filament collapses, as filaments often do, the plasma could hit the surface and explode, producing a Hyder flare or a coronal mass ejection (CME).

Space Weather Alert

A magnetic filament on the sun erupted yesterday, May 24th, and the blast hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) in the general direction of Earth. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the action around the blast site in 10xHDTV resolution:

Shortly after the eruption, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spotted a billion-ton CME racing away from the sun. NOAA forecasters say there is a 35% chance of geomagnetic activity on May 27th when the cloud delivers a glancing blow to Earth’s magnetic field. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.