Chronicles of the Absurd

With so much stupidity running rampant, I thought what a shame not capture it. Today’s tasty ignoramus is none other then that tireless self promoting Alaskan Wolverine a.k.a. A Hockey Mom with Teeth a.k.a Mrs. Stupidity 21st Century…Sarah Palin.

You would have thought that a smarter person would have said how great of a tragedy this was and how this impacts the lives of so many truck driving, animal killing, truck driving fisherman who drink beer and drive around with sharks in their flatbeds kinda folks…since this is her *ahem* political base. Nope. She wants to now push for more onshore drilling in the Alaskan Wildlife National Refuge since those same oil companies have basically destroyed an ocean and land should be up for grabs cause we can plug a hole on land. Really Sarah? Really?  I would have thought it to be a huge wake up call for us to start looking for alternative fuels sources, but under the influence of stupidity, I could see where her beauty pageant logic works.

Since the pay out from BP is going to run out for the folks in the Gulf Region sooner rather then later, I think people should make a mass exodus to Alaska so that when the stupidity takes over, they too can pay no taxes and receive $1,000 a year from those oil companies just for living in her “maverick” state. Think she will take the extra money and buy waterfront property on Prince William Sound?  Or maybe a house on the gulf?  Don’t betcha.

I know. This was too easy.

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