Category Archives: Grinds My Gears

Lets live in a boxcar!

I love our cultural wordsmithing. In the old days the terminology was short and sweet. And it actually meant something.

Consider the following: during the Great Depression, they had PAN HANDLERS. Then they became BUMs. BUMs. TRAMPs and HOBOs eventually turned into that magic ‘catch-all’ HOMELESS; only to wind up as the very modern and very politically correct term DISPLACED PERSONS.

But there are genuine differences between these terms. A hobo is a migratory worker who likes to travel, a tramp travels without working, and a bum does not travel or work. Politically correct ‘catch-all’ terminology actually serves to diminish these folks.

Since most of us are a scant paycheck or two away from the gutter, what the future may hold for us is uncertain at best. Since everything old eventually becomes new again, I suggest that you all familiarize yourselves with this link as it may become useful during the coming economic apocalypse! And when those politically correct literary craftsmen describe your current economic condition by calling you and your family “impecunious denizens”,… well, you heard it here first.

See you on the road!

Proof that its not just me

Ya’ll know I got this “issue” with the nasty old men in Washington, County MD right? Well, today as I was letting my fingers do the walking all over the news, I stumbled upon this tidbit of local flavor.

And the guy’s name says it all…Llyod Grim, 86. I am still trying to convince my sister she is in great danger….Alison, if you can read this…please by all means, avoid the Sharpsburg area. You can defeat them pretty easily in ones or twos, but when they horde, look out!

The One Thing That Entertains After This Midterm Election

For most states (except Maryland, which I have said in the past is the state with the most sane politics around here) things are turning very bad.  For Pennsylvania, this could mean privatization of the PA Turnpike (watch for rate hikes, poor maintenance, over commercialization), and deregulation of the already environmentally dangerous and safety negligent mining industry.  I’m sure that I will be able to light my tap water with a Bic® in about a year or two.

But LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE…. We get to see how tan John Boehner becomes with his new Lord God King Bufu status in the House of Representatives as the new speaker.  We now can pray everyday that nobody assassinates Obama and Biden at the same time.  Talk about a nightmare.

John Boehner Tan King
How tan can the asshole get?!


This guy speaks da troof!!!

The rent is too damn high… AND YES!  If ya wanna marry a shoe, I’ll marry ya!

This guy should be president of da WORLD!!  (and I’m so totally serious about this).   Thanks to Bitchin Bob for this one!

THIS IS THE MY CURRENT MESSAGE TO MY CURRENT LANDLORD!  Maybe I should just email this to him!!

Watch the follow up videos on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell from last week and this week!

South Park’s Insheeption and Reality Show Stupid “Manufactured Drama” Music

If you haven’t watched the new episode of South Park yet, you must!

Mr. Mackey is Hoarding

I thought it was funny because all summer long, while in Rehoboth, every time John, Will or Mark would watch a reality show I always bitched that the “manufactured drama” music in the shows drive me nuts.  The episode itself is a mash up of the reality show “Hoarders” (which I shamefully like) and the movie “Inception” which I haven’t seen yet.   There’s this one character that jumps into each scene and does reality show back up music while the plot is hurriedly being explained.  HE IS SO ON THE MONEY! I thought the episode was HILARIOUS, especially when a young Mr. Mackey is getting fucked by Woodsy The Owl and screams, “No woodsy, okay, don’t touch my pee pee, I’ll give a hoot, okay!”.  

Click on this to hear the South Park version of stupid reality show drama music     

You can watch the episode on South Park’s site by clicking here.


Once again I found myself in Washington County, MD this weekend, and it went smoothly considering what typically happens to me in the past. However, this time I was too confident and just as my daughter and I where leaving to head back home, we stopped at Sheetz to get a bite to eat. The place was crowded and people did their best to line up as civilly as possible while waiting for food, checking out, and basic store navigation.

While I was waiting in line, an older gentlemen thought wrong. He wanted to walk in front of me to exit the store. Cool. He looked at me and said “Excuse me”. I said “Oh, go right ahead sir…” He thought I called him a “goat head” and said “Well, goat head, that was a mean thing to say…” as he glaringly huffed away at me in front of all these people waiting in line.

WTF? Now, granted this place was loud, but really? Goat head? OK. I give up Washington County. You win.