Tag Archives: old people rocking out badly

Albert Einstein vs Stephen Hawking – Epic Battle

You know, Easter is coming and it’s always been my dream to see a completely mechanized film version of Christ’s Crucifixion. Think about it. A Post-Industrial/Post-Apocalyptic quasi-robotic interpretation of “The PASSION of the CHRIST”??!! Wouldn’t that be incredible? Well, …wouldn’t it????

Its amazingly simple. The talent is already there.
Hollywood could cast Steven Hawking as the Christ,
Robocop as Mary Magdelene, R2D2 as The Virgin Mary,
Bender as Saint Peter, Senator Bob Dole as Pontius Pilate

…and so on.

But I guess until Hollywood gets off its ASS,…here’s a little something to scratch that Hawking itch I know we ALL get from time to time! Hell man, I’m still trying to figure out the physics as how they were able to auto-tune his already robotic voice and not have the universe collapse in upon itself.


Reflections of an Enema Man

Alan Simpson, former Senator-WY, seems to know a few things about whats wrong with today’s youth, thank you notes, enemas and poop.

Thanks Mr. Simpson for clearing that up for me. Its now time for your enema…oh and is Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dog’s new album out on I-Tunes yet? I have to get one for my nephew…

Food Network is for Obsessive Idiot Losers!

The utterly STUPID way he pronounces “mozzarella”, and the typical Gordon Ramsey quotes by Cartman are so typical of stupid Food network shows. Food network shows are for lifeless idiots with delusions of grandeur. Everybody watches an hour of the food network then comes away thinking they’re some god damned culinary artist. Its just plain stupid.

They wont let you embed the actual video of the beginning of Randy Marsh’s Food Network show Cafeteria Fraiche, but you can watch it from this link here:


Highly recommended. Trey Parker is A GENIUS!