Tag Archives: hypocrite

Why America Sucks # 1,348,972,587,298,375

So, maybe you have all read about the big corporate entities this past week that lost security over their customer’s email address lists?

Today I woke up to emails from Chase and Marriott both saying “we’re sorry…”

I am so sick and tired of rich corporate entities just saying “we’re sorry”. In the game of business in America, when you fuck up this much, you should pay a price, not just send out a mass email saying “we’re sorry”. What happened to the card in monopoly that said, “Bank error in your favor, collect $200.”

The way I see it, these corporate entities that screw up like this have a choice:

1. Take a HUGE FINE from the federal government (thus reducing our nation debt – it would be a win/win for both republicans and democrats).

2. Give everyone a reduction in fees (skip a car payment or a free room at a marriott for a night).

I replied to Chase and Marriott today with an email that sounds like this.


If you “take my privacy very seriously” you would pay me for your lack of attention and care or the federal government would fine you for carelessly collecting such information and not maintaining proper security around it. I would lose my job if I let this happened.

What penalty is Chase or any other big corporation paying for violating the trust of innocent customers?


This is what is wrong with America! You big corporations are not held accountable to your customers and you will not pay or compensate your customers for your carelessness.

I will definitely be blogging about this. SHAME ON CHASE AND ANY OTHER COMPANY WHO THINKS A “WHOOPS WE’RE SORRY” EMAIL CAN COMPENSATE FOR THIS! I am very disappointed.

It’s funny after all the DAILY harassment this company has given me for being late on a car payment and consumers are just supposed to shrug off this gross violation of privacy makes me sick!

You should be fined HEAVILY!

I will be taking to the internet on every blog I can find and making sure that NOBODY does business with you because you think you can fix violations of trust with a simple “whoops we’re sorry” email.


Reflections of an Enema Man

Alan Simpson, former Senator-WY, seems to know a few things about whats wrong with today’s youth, thank you notes, enemas and poop.

Thanks Mr. Simpson for clearing that up for me. Its now time for your enema…oh and is Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dog’s new album out on I-Tunes yet? I have to get one for my nephew…

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Remember the old parable about the ant and the grasshopper? The one where the ant worked his ass off storing and saving for the long winter ahead, while the grasshoppers jumped around all summer long and laughed at the ant and his struggles, until they found themselves in the cold. Yeah, you know that one.

One would think that hard working Americans who devote their lives to living within their means, struggling to do without, living check to check with being two checks near the streets, would reap the benefit of being frugal. Nope. Not in America. Seems that in America, the only ones getting ahead are the grasshoppers, whom have shaved the earnings off the backs of the foolish ants, and now seeks to take away all the ants rights to make sure that anymore toiling from this point forward benefits the grasshoppers and the grasshoppers alone.

When reports like that come out, I can’t help but think about those folks in the Middle East right now, whom after years and years of oppressive disparity between the haves and the have nots forced them into the streets to topple these regimes. What would happen if all the “ants” of this country would follow their lead? Would our government (Dems, Repubs, Tea-Baggers, Independents, etc) go quietly into that gentle night? Or would our government act against its people, much like the Libyan whack job has done, bringing in outside mercenaries to kill its own people. Before you answer that, let the Deputy AG of Indiana do that for you. Oh, and you know he only got “removed” from office for stating the grasshoppers views against the foolish ants in public. Those are for closed doors meeting only. I doubt he will have trouble finding another job…perhaps one with Koch Industries, Inc.?

What ever your beliefs are, what ever your views on government, how it should be run, what it should fund, etc are, YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THEN AN ANT. If we want real change in this country, we need to take it back. In taking it back, this means no more corporate & non profit money used in campaign donations. If you want to run for public office, then you need to have lived under the poverty level for one year and survived without resorting to illegal activities, loan sharks, or your mother’s basement. You must be involved in a charitable foundation, and have done volunteer work either in health-care, homeless, etc. Oh, and churches that spew political mantras and sway voters based on beliefs rather then common sense, need to be taxed-an untapped revenue source perhaps?

Its like I told two very out of touch, wealthy, pair of devoted Christians who thought that they should not have to fund the pensions of civil servants or be for workers rights because “it was not their fault that they lost their retirements because of bad investments.” When I countered with “Well, these pension boards are typically run by political appointees, whom are just following the no holds barred reckless banking systems, which caused Wall Street to fail in the first place, yet our tax money bailed them out…how is that any different? These are real people with real lives here, not some corporate executive who can’t shell out bonuses in the millions of dollars for bad and unscrupulous investing behavior…”

I knew this reasoning was lost on them. So I put it into terms they could understand-“Did your savior not say, and I quote, It is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle, then for a rich man to get into heaven…?” “How many of those “representatives” that you think are doing such a great job cutting the programs for the poor, yet inflating the benefits of the rich are going to be standing right next to you at the pearly gates? In your belief’s I may be going to hell, but I am going to have a great time being there to laugh at you and all your ilk…” I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces. That will be my heaven.

But then again, as an ant, probably not. An ant can only hope that it has enough to survive, while watching the grasshoppers play about and not suffer any of the consequences. That is the true America.

Chronicles of the Absurd-NO.You are NOT like me.

And I don’t want YOUR ads playing in MY state. I have enough to deal with considering the biggest asshole we had for governor wants to try his hand at raising my fees and the toll amounts on the roads I travel by running for office again.

I am SO sick of all of these political ads polluting my morning news. I am SO sick of these out of touch, over pandering liars and their bullshit. You assholes want to impress me and get my vote? Then try living without a bank account for a month and get back with me.

Why is it that we can have over 1000+ different soda, cars, jeans, etc. to choose from, yet we are only subjected to two crappy political parties or their side fringe nut jobs? Welcome to the United States of Absurdity.

Chronicles of the Absurd

Today’s special winner for the Absurd is brought to you by James O’Keefe. Mr. O’Keefe’s one claim to fame was his ground breaking journalism posing as a pimp trying to get his ho a loan from the ACORN office. You remember him right?

Mr. O’Keefe & friends have been having a hard time lately trying to practice their craft. It seems that after being sent to jail for another attempt at an undercover operation where he and his followers dressed as telephone repairmen to gain entry into a Senator’s office (which resulted in a misdemeanor charge…you can’t mess with a republican senator from New Orleans…there is too much oil money), he under the guise of his (and how do we circumvent paying taxes?) non-profit “Project Veritas” have blown it again. But this time, it was one of his own who blew the whistle.

So, in this day and age of where the punker becomes the punkee, what is one of no scruples to do? How is that intern going to pass that editing class without having that material about CNN to show on Fox News? How is the absurdity going to continue!?! Where is the outrage from the anti-masturbatory matrons? Or the men of faith?

Oh, that’s right. Let’s wait for the fair and balanced reporting to take the lead. I think the real investigative journalism is-who is backing this guy and giving him the money to spend on not only a staff, but also for decking out a porno boat.

Which then begs me to ask…”Is the boat available for weekend rentals?”