Tag Archives: political
Communism on Quaaludes
Give everyone over there a ‘lude, slow things down a bit.
or maybe a little HIP HOP would make things better?
“Aint Dat Amurka?!”
Forbes Magazine Restates The Obvious
Nothing like trying your hardest to keep hope alive and an upbeat spirit, then you read this in the news…
For those of us who still need to work to survive, this may mean it’s time to move away. This really sucks!
Scary News for a Saturday Morning.
Rich enough to own stocks?
Seems like it’s time to get rid of them before the looming “big crash”. I don’t know why, but this article scares me.
BE AWARE!!! (for the late Aaron Swartz)
Take note of the horrible vocal talents of Miss Justin Bieber in a very short moment of this video…. BUT DO NOT DISREGARD THE MESSAGE!!!
Click here to answer, “Who the hell is (was) Aaron Swartz?!?”