Tag Archives: sad

This Guy Should Get a Medal for Service to His Country!

… and the smug do goodery comments of the law enforcement in this article, are so transparent and full of PR bullshit, it makes me want to puke!

This boy is a patriot! Give him a medal NOW!


Click for story

He paid restitution to “Xerox State and Local Solutions”.  At least we know our tax sucking corporations wont skip a beat on their crock shit loads of cash flow!

EVIL EVIL EVIL!  Shame on america!

The NFL Can Suck It! BOYCOTT!

Ever realize how much taxpayer money is dumped into the already inflated NFL coffers? Not a fan of the NFL and yet you pay taxes for it! A lot of taxes! Mad yet?

Cant fund programs for the poor? Cant help the disabled? Cant treat and cure disease? BUT WE PAY THIS MUCH FOR THE NFL?!?!?!

Mad yet?

Click here and get madder!!!

Are you ready for some football? FOOLS!

Snopes even says they suck! IT’s TRUE!

Is The NFL’s Tax-Exempt Status Corporate Welfare? Click here! Sounds like it to me!

Corporate Welfare Queens!!!

Watch this space. I’m frustrated and may expand this post. Anyone else want to pile on?

(Thanks to Bitchin Bob for the first article!)

Nothing Like Good Disaster Coverage: The Sinking of The Costa Concordia

Tis the season to stay in and watch stuff, because it’s so damn cold, what else can you do!

I stumbled over this movie/tv show/documentary whatever about the cell phone footage of passengers and crew of the ill fated Costa Concordia. Well worth the 47 minutes of time, it is definitely worth the watch. I think the captain of this ship is the text book definition of pussy.

After watching, tell me if you are thinking about booking a cruise any time soon! (NOTE: I wouldn’t be surprised if this was yanked off of youtube tomorrow. I downloaded it to archive. I’m surprised this is even present on the youtube site, so watch it while you can).

Media Terrorism = Weather Terrorism



Click for previous sinister weather terrorism news….

The Way We Were…

i voted rich

Let’s see where we are now….   A whole new congress under new republican power.

Let us now review where we were 6 years ago (2008) (according to Independent Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders):

  1. Healthcare only for the rich
  2. Two wars going on (losing combat troops every week).
  3. More people living in poverty than anytime in American history.
  4. More wealth inequality.
  5. Financial system on verge of collapse.
  6. Losing 700,000 jobs a month
  7. 1.4 Trillion dollar deficit (the largest in history).

What the new republican congress will do:

  1. Go after social security (privatize).
  2. Go after Medicare (de-fund).
  3. Major cuts in federal education aid.
  4. Major cuts in nutrition aid.
  5. Major cuts in environmental protection.
  6. Huge tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations.

What a wonderful world to look forward to.   Go ahead, ask me why I shorten my life by smoking!

American Consumers are The Dumbest in the World!!


There was an article in (ugh) Yahoo News today about the problems with the iPhone roll outs. The comments were very “I told you so” but they still were rife with ignorance.

Stupid Yahoo Article about Apple Link

I had to make a posting to hopefully shine a light on consumer ignorance:

This is the age of the idiot consumer. I like how the posters refer to Apple or Samsung. Folks, it is APPLE or ANDROID… Samsung is a hardware brand, not an operating system. This is the same issue I have with people thinking the only way to get on-line is Comcast or Verizon. There are so many ways to get online that are as good or better than both of these.

The rants on here are mostly justified, but they show genuine ignorance. This techno ignorance appears all the time. People calling Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows. I’ve heard people calling the Google Chome browser, “Windows”. I hear people calling ANY internet access “WiFi”, even when they are connected with an network cable.

We are all such victims of advertising. This consumer ignorance leads to monopolies, less choices, overpowered corporate entities and higher prices (as companies realize the only way to sell a crappy product is to dump all of the R&D money into glossy advertisements). If we truly honor capitalism, as consumers, we must be informed of ALL the options, not just the one’s with big advertising budgets. Everybody WAKE UP and turn off the TV. Stop letting the idiots on the Today show, and crap like that, inform you about technology. They don’t know jack!!!

It is no secret that I am loathsome of popular culture, but when it leads to complete and total ignorance, I raise the “look at your stupid selves” flag.  I think the term “sheeple” applies here on every level.

sheep2 sheep3

Grammar? Punctuation? Why Not Just Guess?!

I was curious this morning, while I was doing my job as a Technical Writer (and Analyst, and Tester, and Instructional Designer, and Documentation Specialist, and Graphic Designer), about the rules for capitalization after a colon.

I was shocked to find out, that THERE IS NO CLEAR CUT RULE FOR THIS.

So I guess if you want to capitalize after a colon, go ahead. If not, then dont.

How many years has this stupid language been around… .AND WE STILL DONT KNOW YET?!?

WTF?!?! Kill me now!


Life Lesson #5472-Never Email When Angry

I did something today that I think will burn me. I came out to Emily’s Government teacher. Or almost. At this point, I probably should not give a shit anymore…but its hard for me not to.

I am involved with this lawsuit:

I chose to remain silent to protect my family and also because I am the only plaintiff that has a child in the public school system here… But part of my reasoning for joining the suit was the encroachment of one type of religious belief onto our school system when these Commissioners starting under funding or cutting environmental and science programs out of the public school budget, all while setting up $500,000 slush funds for people who CHOSE to send their children to parochial or home school them. Two of the Commissioners can take part in milking this fund because they elected not to send their children to public school.

I blogged about it with my “County Destroyer” post a while back, but I took the post down so defense’s council could not throw it back in my face cause they tried to do that with another plaintiff in the case. Yeah. Freedom of Speech only applies to those that agree with you…

Long and short end of it: We won. SC ruled. Federal Judge dismissed order. We refiled suit citing differences between cases and why elected officials are not invited unpaid clergy. Judgment still pending…

I received this link from one of the plaintiffs and it made me livid.

A Student’s Letter to Commissioner Frazier.

This student goes to the same high school as my daughter. No one at Liberty knows her mother is a plaintiff in the lawsuit-not even the Government teacher, who commented about our case in class this semester. Notice Mrs. Frazier’s passive/aggressive insult to the public school system. Why? Because teachers are not teaching this:

The American View US Constitutional Course

Whose views have been shaped by these people:

League of Southern Gentlemen

Just ignore that we are also a hate group.

Member of the LOS, God’s Special Lawyer (And $4000 Rothschild Campaign Donor)…not to mention sponsor of the county employee’s tax payer funded special class.

This made my blood boil, and I made the mistake of sending an email to my daughter’s Government teacher at Liberty today, with the link to Mrs Frazier’s blog about the letter to her from the student, along with the links I have posted above. I told him I was proud that my child had taken his course, and the fellow student who wrote the letter was in the public school system and was not afraid to stand up to tyranny or practice his civil duty. I also did tell him that more people needed to know the truth about where these ideas are coming from and hopefully there will be a change in the next election. But if it swings in the favor of these people, and similar ones who want to take what little rational representation we have away, then I’ve already supplied him with the link to the re-education learning course.

I did not go into as to why we as the 3rd highest taxed county in the State of Maryland, with a median income of $80,000 per year, are having budget issues with our public school system… Nor did I even mention religion.

I suppose I can skirt the issue by saying it is “Lauren” who is the malcontent atheist, and not Denise is just Emily’s mom. LOL. Truth is, I am tore up that I may hurt my daughter in some way. How can I trust that this teacher is not having to suppress his white pride Constitutional views as well?

Emily has this week left of school and then she never has to step in the Government trailer for class again. Why did I not just think of that before I hit send. Fuck. Oh well. Let it not be said that I never tried to stand up for something.

I just have to learn to not let these things upset me as much…perhaps a crayon shoved up the nose would work? I have to remember, that this county is in fact Thunderdome.

My Adventures With Obamacare

1. Went to healthcare.gov. Referred to Maryland exchange.
2. Went to maryland exchange at http://www.marylandhealthconnection.gov.
3. Filed an application and put in 0 for my income and was forced to a medicaid page. I thought, “woops, I will be making money at some point this year (although my first paycheck is just shy of 45 days away… paychecks after are pending on if they want to keep me employed on this contract).
4. Deleted this application and started over.
5. Put in my appropriate income that I was expecting this year (provided I would still be employed on this contract).
6. Website crashed.
7. Called the customer service for the maryland exchange.
8. Phone number busy 5 times in one hour.
9. Finally got through to a person. Went through submitting the application on the phone.
10. Got down to the plan selection point where I was sent to www.healthsherpa.com (God knows what this site is or where it is from).
11. Put in my estimated income, age, and told them I was a smoker.
12. The cheapest plan listed was $143 a month with a $6000 deductible with no vision, dental, or prescription drug coverage. All the plans up to $300 a month were managed by Blue Cross in Maryland (I’ve worked for Blue Cross in PA and hated them. Do not want to insure through them at all).
13. In order to get a deductible less than $5000 I had to pay the upside of 300 a month with no vision, dental, or prescription coverage.

After some calculating, I found it was cheaper to pay the 1% of my annual income fine and go uninsured. With a deductible of 5-6000, you might as well be uninsured. I couldn’t afford the deductible much less a full uninsured hospital bill. Both the $6000 and the uninsured hospital bill would bankrupt me.

So I ask: WHAT IS THE POINT OF HEALTH INSURANCE IF YOU CANT AFFORD IT? I cant afford to be insured. I cant afford to be uninsured.


Once again… America fucks me!


Read this article. Apparently I’m not the only one. Basically, if uninsured health care is not affordable, and health insurance is not affordable, then obamacare and health insurance providers are unacceptable.


Might as well be a criminal…