Nothing Like Good Disaster Coverage: The Sinking of The Costa Concordia

Tis the season to stay in and watch stuff, because it’s so damn cold, what else can you do!

I stumbled over this movie/tv show/documentary whatever about the cell phone footage of passengers and crew of the ill fated Costa Concordia. Well worth the 47 minutes of time, it is definitely worth the watch. I think the captain of this ship is the text book definition of pussy.

After watching, tell me if you are thinking about booking a cruise any time soon! (NOTE: I wouldn’t be surprised if this was yanked off of youtube tomorrow. I downloaded it to archive. I’m surprised this is even present on the youtube site, so watch it while you can).

One thought on “Nothing Like Good Disaster Coverage: The Sinking of The Costa Concordia”

  1. I liked the whole feel of this film. Especially the passive-aggressive French couple in this film. The guy taking pictures and making comments throughout was absolutely the perect wise-ass: after seeing his wife at the slot machine he excitedly asks the camera “Oh, will she EVER win?” and immediately responds with “Oh, no…she won’t” The wife shoots him the look of death. Hilarious.

    I don’t know if I would like a cruise. Sit all day and gamble? Meh,…. Play bullshit bingo? Meh. Eat eat eat…..sleep? Maybe get some Sun by the pool all the while every event, every bar, every venue is filled w strangers, their kids and the hassles? And there’s no way to say “Fuck It” and get off? You are trapped; cloistered in some floating hotel out at sea w all these strangers. Aside from the shows, how is that different from Jury Duty? Doesn’t sound relaxing at all.

    As far as the sinking goes:

    First and foremost…In a disaster:
    Ugh,… a boat-full of Italians? The panic. The drama. The fucking needless chatter and confusion. The yelling and waving of hands, all the while nothing gets done. Drama drama drama!
    Imagine trying to get quick, concise exit instructions for a sinking ship in that environment.

    For the Costa Concordia and her crew to LIE and say it was a generator issue (most likely at the behest of the captain) is damn criminal. Even as the ship started to tilt, valuable time was lost while they entertained this bullshit “generator’ ruse.

    The one guy said it best: “Where the **** is the Captain?”

    The Captain was an obstinate, cowardly prick. His crew jumped ship like a band of self-serving RATS. Almost as douchey was the rich American witch comfortably seated in her life boat, riding past the many hundreds STILL without a way off, lamenting the fact that: “we didn’t eat dinner yet” and “All our stuff is in the room. We have nothing,… NOTHING. My iPad. All of our money. All of my jewelry. No phone. No wallet… it’s all in the cabin”. A terrible inconvenience for sure sweetheart, until someone reminded you: “…you have your life”.

    It’s interesting (and maybe a little telling) that the very first shot we ever see of the Ship’s Captain in this film, he’s seen staggering through the dining room with a drink in his hand hitting on an American broad. The day of the collision; Friday the 13th (that’s fucking great) it was calm seas and clear skies. His Seamanship and judgement is in serious question. I applaud the Coast Guard Commander who chewed his ass royally and swore revenge for his cowardice.

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