Category Archives: Space Weather Alerts

Space Weather Alert

I’ve been getting burned out on space weather as of late. Don’t know why cause its happening all the time whether I like it or not. However, there are somethings in this universe that re-charge our desires, creativity, thoughts, etc. This picture of an aurora taken in Norway during a crack appearing in our magnetic field has ignited my love of this planet, its sun, its neighbors, and beyond.

So, the charged particles have slipped through my crack and I am powerless to resist (that sounds so filthy….I love it). Hope the blow back has you feeling the same 🙂

Space Weather Alert

Space has been quiet, well for space, but the I-Sun did let out a little fart in the form of a flare from it’s rear end yesterday. Click on the pic to see the fart in action.

Lucky for us, most of the I-Sun’s nasty radioactive gas didn’t reach us because it was on the far side. However, the cause of this fart may be a big stinky burrito sunspot, which is turning its delicious bean and cheese laden face our way within the next 8 days. Via Sun Viacondias! Suck Dick Earths.

Space Weather Alert

This is not really space “weather” but more like a close visual encounter.  Tonight’s full moon and the planet Jupiter will be only 6 degrees apart.

I am going to try and snatch a peek at this event. I need to be reminded that all the bullshit crap I am going right now really means nothing to the universe. So if you are feeling that way too…go out and snatch a peek for yourself.

Space Weather Alert

Ever wonder what our planet and its moon look like from 114 million miles away?

NASA’s Messenger space craft snapped this photo of our hood on its way to Mercury. Messenger is actually flying around searching for small rocky asteroids flying around the I-Sun known as “vulcanoids”. It is very humbling to see our planet from so far away, but it is comforting to see that their are no toll booths hovering in space on the highway back. Imagine the fee on that take ticket…

Space Weather Alert

Ever have something minor happen to you, which seams major at the time and causes a volcanic like explosion of emotion and useless anger? Well the I-Sun feels that way too, and today it blew it’s backside off in a class C-4 solar flare. This was due perhaps to the magnetic field conversion of two sunspots. Or maybe the I-Sun just lost it because of the slow old lady in the checkout line, or the asshole comet that didn’t signal.

The next solar wind stream is scheduled to hit the I-Earth sometime around the 24th, so back up your files cause the I-Sun appears to have a major cause of the ass.