Tag Archives: makes you think

“You Are The Wind Comin From My Hole”

A solar wind stream from a Coronal Hole on the I-Sun is set to hit Earth on April 20th.












Its a good reminder to back up your files, else feel the wrath of the deadly sun fart.  Here is a cool site to watch from NASA with movies of the I-Sun in action while you are waiting for those files to download, transfer, burn, etc.

Point/Counter Point AKA all politicians are complete douchebags

Here is the speech that our now illustrious president gave as a Freshman Senator during the 2006 debt limit increase debate:


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.


Fast forward to 2011 now that the “community organizer” is POTUS.

Failure by Congress to raise the U.S. debt limit “could plunge the world economy back into recession,” President Barack Obama declared Friday, and he acknowledged that he must compromise on spending with Republicans who control the House to avoid such a crisis.

So this brings up two possible scenarios, neither of which give me any confidence in the “Most Powerful Man in the World.”

  1. Our president, who’s resume reads as one time community organizer and one term senator (who spent the majority of time campaigning for the presidency) really doesn’t know anything about economics, macro, or micro and was doing nothing more than giving lip service to the American people and grand standing for the Democrats, or…

  3. Our Hope and Change President has been given a full frontal lobotomy like all other politicians and is now caving in to special interests and those that fill his pockets with the almighty dollar. This full on douchnozzle now talks out of both sides of his mouth like all of his predecessors before him and seemingly has a bit of white trash in him. “Hey, I still have checks left so I must have money!”

If I ran my business like the Federal government my doors would have been shuttered long ago. The bottom line is this: If you don’t have the money in the account YOU CANNOT SPEND IT!!!!!!! Tough choices must be made and that is what the majority of Americans elected this man to do.

Once again, our democracy has failed us.


During the opening craze of the start up of American Idolism, the WB network had put out a show called Superstar USA which turned out to be a big prank gone wrong. I detest shows like American Idolism. I think they really detract people from opening up to all sorts of music and talented musicians they might otherwise overlook. But I think the folks over there at WB came up with a good reason as to why the music industry today is what it is.

WARNING: Listen at your own risk.

The judges critique at the end of Jamie’s (the winner) performance really nailed it for me. Enjoy!

The sad part about it is that if you put some auto tune on it and mixed it to death, it would be #1 on I-Tunes.

Why America Sucks # 1,348,972,587,298,378

As for the current looming government shutdown and the reasons behind it, I only have this to say:

Yes. Lets abort this fetus. You want a balanced budget? Start making corporations pay their fair share. Tax companies that ship their job overseas at a higher rate. If you want to Lobby Congress, then its a 50% flat tax to run your business. 501-C3’s can no longer be used to raise political funds. Make the DOD its own free standing entity (like the Post Office) along with charging other countries who use our military for “freedom” a “Freedom Fee.” Any church or non-profit group that wants to persuade its members on how OUR country is governed and its laws on ALL of its people, lose their non taxable status and are taxed at the new Lobbyist rate. Outlaw former congressmen, senators, vice presidents, etc from being able to work for defense contractors. Make serving on Congress or the Senate a volunteer position with no pay and no benefits.

Wow. I bet I’ve made this country money, and saved more money then the good congressman Mr. Ryan at a Planned Parenthood fund raiser and I haven’t even done a thing~how totally American of me!

Happy Birthday Internet!

On April 7, 1969, RFC 1 was distributed on the spankin’-new ARPANET by Steve Crocker of UCLA. Today, the RFC is the official publication channel for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), and the global community of computer researchers. ARPANET would later be incorporated with other networks to give life to our modern Internet. The Internet has provided us with information and entertainment beyond the imagination of ARPANET’s creators. Without it, we’d have no Wikipedia to deliberately falsify, no YouTube stars like Trolololo Guy, and (worst of all, of course) no ctrlZ blog to bitch and moan. Thanks to the internet, I never have to leave my house. Ever. Fast and easy communication with friends and family! I no longer have to remember anything, Google is kind enough to remember everything for me. Most importantly, if it wasn’t for the Internet, I’d have to pay for porn.

Happy Birthday my good friend Internet