What would life be without YouTube?
And here’s a favorite remix!
For real No No Kitty fun, play them at the same time!! It’s totally no no kitty awesome!
What would life be without YouTube?
And here’s a favorite remix!
For real No No Kitty fun, play them at the same time!! It’s totally no no kitty awesome!
He’s making you dance yer ass off with an old analog synthesizer!
Crank it up!
To simply create a player for a track you upload to the media library:
TA DAAAAH! It’s that easy (somewhat).
Here’s the same thing but in a nifty “customizable” player.
The code for that looks like this:
This plug in will allow you to create customizable playlists (provided all your media is uploaded), adjust volume, and a bunch of other neato things. I just think it’s nice to actually play something from the blog rather than have people download it to play it.
Here’s the link for the instructions
Here’s a playback link to WMOM.
The code for that looks like this:
Thanks to Matt Clark for this one.
I have remixed Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass’s-Green Leaves of Summer.
I had a mix of it recorded backwards that I was enjoying and Will recommended that I have it playing backwards and forwards at the same time.
I took the extra step and put the backwards recording in the left speaker and the forwards recording in the right speaker. That way you can enjoy them both or separate.
You know, Easter is coming and it’s always been my dream to see a completely mechanized film version of Christ’s Crucifixion. Think about it. A Post-Industrial/Post-Apocalyptic quasi-robotic interpretation of “The PASSION of the CHRIST”??!! Wouldn’t that be incredible? Well, …wouldn’t it????
Its amazingly simple. The talent is already there.
Hollywood could cast Steven Hawking as the Christ,
Robocop as Mary Magdelene, R2D2 as The Virgin Mary,
Bender as Saint Peter, Senator Bob Dole as Pontius Pilate
…and so on.
But I guess until Hollywood gets off its ASS,…here’s a little something to scratch that Hawking itch I know we ALL get from time to time! Hell man, I’m still trying to figure out the physics as how they were able to auto-tune his already robotic voice and not have the universe collapse in upon itself.
Hello my friends in geekdom,
This was really crazy but I stumbled over this article:
and it really “freaked me out” (because I’ve heard these sounds before. A lot of it! In some very interesting musical contexts). I’ve never known about this, but there is this thing called “Numbers Stations” that are broadcast on shortwave radio as a way to communicate to international spies and stuff. Thankfully, somebody has collected and posted some of this stuff to the Internet. I listened to some of the samples and I recognized sounds that were used in various recordings of music that I enjoy such as obscure stuff like ChromaKey, Brian Eno, etc.. As we all know my taste in music is poop anyway, but I’m curious if any of it sounds familiar to any of you? I just thought this was interesting, and I know I have super geeky friends out there that would find this “neato” as well.
I hope for comments here. You don’t need to be a member to comment on the article. I wont Spam you or track you down on Facebook (as I refuse to have one).
I want any opinions on it for example: “yeah! know all about this”, or “Chad why don’t you find something to do”, or “… of course i knew this you idiot”.
NOTE: you may not use any of the above comments.
Cheers and stuff,
Gay people SHOULD NOT narrate wildlife films…. or should they?
I laughed so hard at this I hurt! All I learned is that the “honey badger is a hungry bastard and it just doesn’t give a fuckin shit!”
This is welcomed courtesy of Matt Clark – who should stop being a stranger and comment on this damned blog. Maybe he just “doesn’t give a shit like the honey badgerrr…”