Tag Archives: old people rocking out badly

Merry Shitmas!

Merry Shitmas my friends 🙂

I love how Dunsworth is reading Christopher Hitchens book “God is Not Great; How Religion Poisons Everything…” for a Christmas video.

Just in case anyone tries to tell you otherwise, Christmas is NOT Jesus’s birthday. It was to celebrate his conception. So, really, its a celebration about a rape that caused a pregnancy. Nice!

It was also a Roman holiday hijacked by the later Popes in order to get the waining Roman citizens to convert easier to Christianity because early Christians celebrated nothing and the Romans where ALL about their parties…

So Happy Birthday Sun! A tangible God made up of hot burning gas, which has the REAL influence in all of our lives.

A Little Laughter has Died! Long Live The Legacy of Leslie Nielsen

Leslie Nielsen

Possibly one of my all time favorite comedy actors has passed away.  Leslie Nielsen! I will miss him!  I will honor his memory by watching all 6 Police Squad episodes (in color).

A quote to remember him:

“Sometime, when the crew is up against it, and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to get out there and give it all they’ve got. And, win just one for the Zipper. I don’t know where I’ll be then, Doc,” he said, “but I won’t smell too good. That’s for sure.”

“I just wanted to tell you, good luck and we’re all counting on you.”

Time to call up the REAL Harry Potter!!

Yep!  North and South Korea are at it again!

I think we need the REAL Harry Potter!  He’ll fix this AGAIN!  And we wont need some little glasses eye’d twink with a stupid magic stick!

Maybe they’ll bring back MASH then we could stop watching stupid shit like Dancing With The Palins.