New Arturia Keystep 37 Chord Mode Sequence Experiment # 1

Made my first experiment with my new Arturia Keystep 37

IMPORTANT! THERE WAS NO PLAYING ADDED ONTO THIS! JUST THE INITIAL SEQUENCE AT THE START. The expanding of the sequence is all achieved by adding notes to the chord structure with the dials. (And well, because I like effects I played with some chorus and panning because YOU SHOULD EXPECT THAT OF ME BY NOW!)


Keystep chord mode seq 1

The ingredients are as follows:

  1. Created a few notes sequence very slowly which you hear immediately at the beginning.
  2. Added some sustain pedal just because.
  3. Went from 1/4 division to 1/8 division (faster) and removed sustain.
  4. Added the chord mode with a user chord I set up earlier and slowly increased the note count in the chord.
  5. Then reduced the chord note count and added sustain and slowed it back to 1/4 division.
  6. Then messed with some of the chord modes (5ths and sustained chords etc) while adding notes to it.

I’m in a bit of shock right now. So I’m going to step away and think about how I’m going to exist moving forward. I am completely blown away already.

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