Crunch Numbers(in haste)

OK!  I admit.  This was rushed.  It started before I got the Novation Launchpad Pro.  This was all done  (linear) in arrangement view and just banged out and improvised.  There are 3 drum patterns here.  The 2 most used are recorded at a completely different BPM and then FORCED painfully into a different BPM and it made this crunching glitchy affect which I thought was neat.  This messing with the BPM caused the first drum pattern to have almost a breathing sound in it that I did not expect.  The beauty of errors!  The third drum pattern I just threw in at the end.  The Conet Project samples are responsible for the counting radio voice.  I butchered the crap out of those to make it a little more bizarre.  Good in headphones though.

The track sort of falls apart at the end where I gave up.  I just descended the stupid chord I was pounding on this arpeggio that was completely out of time and then shoved it through a grain filter to make is fall apart and end abruptly.

It was nice when it started.  But I gave up.  Giving up was never so much fun!


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