OH MY GOSH… ITS SO HARD TO STOP… LOOKIT THE WIGGLE!!! (Me thinks the lady is losing her mind).
Nobody Bothers Me!!!
Eastern Motors. If you live in the DMV, you know this or you haven’t been alive. It’s a buncha sports people I couldn’t care less about. If you are bored, just play “point at the felon”.
Same song, only with Alexander Ovechkin… You know… that guy that IS the washington capitals team (in its’ entirety). He’s ugly, he cant sing, and what the hell was anyone thinking!
I need to visit this place. SPECIAL NOTE HON: The bawlmer accent on the announcer reading the address and phone.
And a nod to the mass media whore market of Philadelphia, here is the BEST NEWS THEME EVERRRRRR!!!
Why does Captain Chesapeake keep pictures of children on his “Cabin Wall” … and why is he dressed like a prisoner?
Thats all for now. Leave a comment or add more. I don’t have facebook… I needs the info…