“A long dark magnetic filament is looping around the northeastern limb, stretching almost 100,000 km from end to end: Long, bushy filaments like this have been known to grow unstable and erupt, producing a type of spotless flare called a “Hyder flare.” If that happens now, Earth would likely feel some effects from the blast because the filament is turning to face our planet.”
The solar wind has also been raging. Speeds and proton densities of the solar wind over this last 24 hour period have increased by 30%. Proton density is now down but the winds are still going strong. So hipsters beware…its not your 3-G network failing…its because you are falling victim to the most important weather on the web.
i’m gonna leave a hot dog out on the back porch and see if it cooks! spaaaaaaaaaace weatherrrrrrrrrrr!