The Birds are Back

The Birds are Back

Still messing with the Arturia Keystep 37 and learning new stuff. I find it amazing how the on-board arpeggiator and sequencer can work independently of Ableton, so you can pre-plan, audition, and rehearse stuff before you trigger and record it into Ableton as MIDI files. It is SUPER nifty. The delicious ingredients list follows:

  • Arturia Keystep 37
  • A bunch of stock Ableton 9 gadgets and samples
  • Addictive Keys plugin (for dinkly piano)
  • Lounge Lizard plugin (for the Rhodes Electric Piano bit)
  • Yamaha Reface CS (for the screechy mono synth bit)
  • Novation Launchpad Pro (for various drum patterns and cymbal fills)
  • Audacity software (to record Bird noises found on YouTube)

This project started last weekend when my friend Keith was here. I was demonstrating the crazy stuff the Keystep does and just started laying out tracks. I finished the rest of it today.

As always none of this is perfect or etched in stone, but I had fun doing it and I like to listen to it. As always USE HEADPHONES!!!

(*As a special afterthought note: I just renewed my CtrlZStudio account. I noticed it started in May of 2010 (for those of you scoring at home)).