Dusty Bass Guitar

Dusty Bass Guitar mp3

Today I got tired of my bass guitar being all dusty and junk. I haven’t played it in so long, I started to feel guilty. As many know, I do not know how to play bass guitar at all so once again, Ableton and looping come to my rescue. I ASSURE YOU THE BASS IS IN TUNE (even if my E sting is STILL strung backwards).

I simply played a couple of bits and chopped and looped the good. I used this chorus effect that makes the bass sound like it’s fretless (as I love the sound of a fretless bass even though I do not have one).

The drum pattern has been dormant on my computer now for a few months and I didn’t do anything with it, so I figured this would be of good use. It’s a Roland 606 plug in. I created the pattern a long time ago when I first acquired the plug in.

I added a little Yamaha Reface CS two chord loop to make it less boring (although it is still boring). The Mod and Texture sliders on the CS are AMAZING. I slide those up slowly for the duration of each chord. Powerful stuff.

I figured this is yet ANOTHER WORK IN PROGRESS laying around on my hard drive but I figured I’d post it just to see what people think.

No EXTERNAL HARDWARE effects (which really is a shame) but that could change in the future.

Thanks for listening/commenting and using headphones (they always help).