I Was Getting Changed

Poor Fred Willard got caught in a porn theater in Hollywood, CA last night pulling a “Pee-Wee Herman”. Kinda sucks that this great actor, who is 72 fucking years old by the way, is being prosecuted for doing what most people do in an adult movie theater. The man should be being honored for still whacking off at 72!!! Fucking PBS even dropped him from a show he was working on before the man has even been convicted.

I love Fred Willard, and I could give two shits less he was choking the chicken. The man at his age can probably barely use the internet or send an email, let alone navigate the wild world of internet porn. How many 72 year olds do you know surfing internet porn? Its his generation that is keeping those theaters in business.

Leave Fred Alone

All the shocked haters and PBS folks need to listen to the words of that wise poet and sage, the J-ROC and leave Fred alone.