Fourth Release (Second EP) from Hozpitality!!!

This is a short EP put out as a fourth release showing off the latest advances in the Hozpitality musicality! Lovingly slapped together for your pleasure in Absence of A Supermoon!!

Hozpitality-Absence of A Supermoon

A cobbling together of familial references, bleep bloop noises, and atmospheres to tweak your “something”.

Track list:

  1. Requiem for Dick Clark (0:59)
    An ending song for good old, scandalous, payola, bribe takin, corrupt rich guy “Strokey Face”.
  2. You Can Put Soaps In There(1:48)
    She’s fillin’ it with soaps in ‘nere.  Get me one he’ll pay ya!
  3. Distorted Doodle(1:02)
    Denise and CeMeGo pouring it on the busy boxes.  Really breaks up the kitchen.
  4. Left Turn At Venus(3:18)
    Sometimes, to get to the Expressway to Uranus, you need to make a Left Turn at Venus (because there’s no exits).
  5. Cute Accident(2:35)
    Just be careful you don’t drive over the curb.  It’s so cute, I love it!
  6. Absence of A Supermoon(2:32)
    For your viewing pleasure when it’s too damn cloudy to see the moon.

Tools used (with links):

Click here to download a .zip file of the album in .mp3 format including cover art. (12 megs)**

** We don’t make money off of this crap.  We do it for fun!  The best compensation would be a comment or review right here on this blog.  Hozpitality thanks YOU (and your Supermoon)!

Fuck It. Just Yodel.

So, here is an old Japanese guy who yodels. He doesn’t care that half of his nation washed out to sea and the other half currently has a soft green radioactive glow. He yodels. With chickens.

Next time I find myself being not able to cope with life’s bullshit, I’m gonna just go out and get me some chickens and start yodeling. Hell, it can’t be any worse…

Maine and my Man

Hi guys. Maine is great. Romeo and Juliet is fun. friends are fine.

My man (Chad) on the other hand is having a rough time. call him. let him bitch. you know he is like a pressure valve. If he has an outlet to let his steam off he can deal.

I love you chad.

He’s getting screwed by life a little this week so a friend with an open ear would help.

I miss you all and cannot wait till this contract ends so I can come home and be with Chad.
