Space Weather Alert

The Perseid Meteor shower is kicking ass right now. If you find yourself out during the hours of 1 – 4 am stumbling home from a bar/club/booty call, or are just up at that time for whatever reason at all-try and lift your head up towards the sky to see if you can make that wish upon a falling star coming from the region of Perseus’s Cluster.

But for those of us who usually are asleep at that time, another way to enjoy these falling rocks during the day is to listen to live meteor radio echoes of the ping backs given off by these big balls of hard space mud. It’s much nicer to listen to the dingleberries from the cluster go whizzing by, vs having to seem them I guess…

The True Disney Magic

This is hilarious!  Some lady is suing Disney because she got felt up by Donald Duck!

As the one commenter posted, “The duck doesn’t wear pants, what do you expect?”

This story killed me.

Click here to read

Get your Disney magic on!  Travel to Florida, and get felt up by a horny cartoon character!  God Bless Amurka!

Horny Naughty Donald

Scientifically peer-reviewed rap?

I’m not really into hip-hip, but after an appearance on The Rachel Maddow Show, this guy from Canada really caught my ear.  The Rap Guide To Evolution is crafty, laid-back, and an amazing serious experiment which works on many levels. I’ve listened to it about a dozen times now and it gets better with each listen.

You can listen to any of his work for FREE. Also you can Pay What You Want to download the albums.
I gave him $5 for TRGTE.

Turns out Baba began his career rapping adaptations of works like Beowulf. That alone certainly gives the man cred.

Space Weather Alert

Space Weather is coming from you today from this god awful tourist trap from hell called Orlando Florida.  The only good thing about Orlando is its proximity to the Kennedy Space Center & Cocoa Beach.  Other then that, the next massive CME can hopefully take this place out.  Although, with the heat and humidity here right now, it already feels as if it is…

The I-Sun is blowing it’s top right now and the I-Earth facing side of the I-Sun has had within the last few days a magnitude of CME’s, solar tsunami’s, multiple filaments of magnetism coming off the solar surface, large scale shaking of the solar corona, radio bursts, and more.

I would post a pic or the movie of fun on the I-Sun but the wireless internet connection here sucks so bad I am lucky just to be able to post this…