Monthly Archives: July 2010
Aus der Traum
Makes you Think – Pictures of the Week
Space Weather Alert
Sunspot 1087 is turning towards I-Earth and this sunspot is ready to party.
As you can see from the little I-Earth in the corner of the photo, Sunspot 1087 is massive and is large enough to swallow 10 I-Earths and still have some room for perhaps a Venus, Mars, Mercury, and 1/2 of Jupiter.
This sunspot has a “beta delta” magnetic field that contains enough energy for “M” class solar flares. “M” class flares have the power to “heat and puff up Earth’s upper atmosphere, causing satellites to experience extra drag as they orbit our planet; they can also cause waves of ionization to ripple around the planet, disrupting radio communications.” NOAA forecasters are predicting we have a 10% chance of getting some M class flare blowback from 1087 within the next 24 hours.
I’ve seen this in my nightmares…..
Just one of Twenty Great Warning Signs.
Space Weather Alert
A possibly very large sunspot on the I-Sun’ surface is slowly turning to face I-Earth and as for me, well listen to this:
This same sunspot set off some very large CME’s recently, and just blew its top again this morning. If this sunspot continues to erupt when facing the I-Earth, it means auroras, and geo-magnetic storms probably hitting sometime next week, so make sure you back up your files.
Space Weather Alert
Look whats coming our way…
A sunspot on the other side of the sun is rotating around to face us. This sunspot has been extremely active and will be geo-effective.
Makes you think…
a weekly random collection of pix from yours truly.
From a recent French anti=smoking campaign
please dont procreate!
she’ll catch the bouquet AND rip a phone book in half
You cant have Beavis and NOT have Butt-head
Aqua Net,….because the family that sprays together, stays together! And just look at the kid!
Keeping them Honest
Gloria’s Boy aka Anderson Cooper likes to pride himself on his “AC360” show with his tag line “Keeping them Honest.” Well, if traveling the globe to disaster after disaster for the best photo shot is keeping it honest, then AC is your man. Only if you are a man though.
Here is Gloria’s boy keeping it honest as he leaves the gym with his hot piece. See that look? Oops! AC isn’t keeping it honest. If anything, he has a platform to make his case for his fellow closet suffer. But no. And it is with that, in the words of Edwina Monsoon “I take issue.” Usually I let it go, and see him for what he is; an over privileged, under loved, seeking all of the attention he didn’t get when mommy made jeans through his TV show, closeted homo.
But yesterday evening, I spied a video on his blog made by one of his beard reporters about how contacting a government agency during a government holiday about the oil spill got them no response. I suppose government employees where perhaps at the gym with their secret lovers or off to the Hampton’s to spend the holidays with “mommy?” Why are they not out in front of Senator Mary Landry’s home on this holiday weekend…or Congressman Barton’s home (a Chronicles of the Absurd favorite) asking them why are they not working to solve this little environmental disaster considering they received the highest amounts of campaign money from…you guessed it BP.
I suppose that Gloria’s boy thought this was an “outstanding” piece of investigative journalism, considering he works at a job he needs not even take a salary for. I guess when you can afford to go anywhere you want with anyone you want, it doesn’t become a vacation…how’s that for “keeping them honest.”
Chronicles of the Absurd
Today’s tasty tidbit of absurdity comes from close to home. It is a special day for me because today is my daughter’s 11th birthday. A close family relative, whom is a non compliant diabetic, and is also on a liver transplant list, brought down a birthday cake that had over an 1″ of icing on it. Not to be outdone in their shame and to draw attention away from that, they also included a “how to stop smoking” DVD in my daughter’s gift basket.
Now, at first I thought, when did my daughter start smoking? But then the cigarette smoke lifted and I realized it was for me. I asked when told, of the DVD, “What, is it showing a time machine video of my funeral, cause I won’t be smoking then, unless I’m cremated.” And I also wanted to know if there was a video of the cake that was brought to my home and how to quit eating that…see the difference is, I can quit smoking when I’m ready. This person has an illness that unless controlled by diet will kill them…even if they smoke or not…
I have decided that the only way I can get through this is perhaps if I include some of the absurdities done by this close family relative…no names…or family position designation…but too much pure absurdity to go to waste. Oh, and I made sure that the piece of cake I cut for em had the most icing of all. Then I went out for a smoke!